On the other side.

Chen Feng did not go back after killing Xing Zhifei.

In fact, during the period of closing down in the forest of CHENFENG mountain, it was the time for all colleges and universities to start school. Of course, Chen Feng told his family to go to school in advance.

In fact, he didn't go to school, but he was still in the middle of Shenchuan city.

The first people's hospital.

After Chen Feng killed Xing Zhifei, he arrived at the hospital.

Zhang Yiping, as well as a group of doctors, did not go in according to Chen Feng's instructions and waited outside.

Chen Feng followed Su Sheng and other four people behind him. After they came back, Zhang Yiping immediately jumped up.

For a week, his face was more haggard, for there was a smell of withered and windy.

Only because Chen Feng ordered, within a week, no one can enter it, even all the doctors and directors of the hospital are not allowed to enter.

So they don't know what's going on inside.

However, judging from their clinical experience for many years, the people inside are probably dead for several days.

"Chen Feng, Qiu Yi he..." Zhang Yiping grabs Chen Feng's hand. Obviously, this week, he has lost a lot of weight and almost can't recognize it.

All the doctors were cold.

The dean said coldly, "young man, if there is something wrong with the patient inside, you should bear criminal responsibility!"

Gao Zhaojie was very angry, and he said: "presumptuous, do you know who you are talking to?"

The president and other doctors frowned when they saw that Su Sheng and others had extraordinary temperament and had a strong air of condescending.

This boy is called a miracle doctor. After his death, these three high-ranking figures are the attendants. What is the status of this guy?

Chen Feng did not pay attention to them. When he came in just now, he had sensed everything inside.

"You can open the door and go in." Chen Feng said.

Hearing this, Zhang Yiping ran to open the door.

As soon as he opened the door, a breath like the spring breeze was blowing on his face.

The whole ICU ward is filled with a fresh, comfortable and warm air flow.

All the doctors were stunned. Zhang Yiping was shocked and called out: "Qiuyi!"

Then his whole person, that is to say, ran in, and other doctors also rushed to the door. When they saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.

After a while, the Dean took the lead, and everyone looked at Chen Feng with an unbelievable look.

Dr. Bi's eyes were shining and excited. He murmured to himself, "Hua Tuo is alive, Hua Tuo is alive!"

All the doctors, silent, but look at Chen Feng's eyes, completely changed.

They seem to have seen a miracle doctor, a man standing at the top of medical skills, which is out of reach.

Although this man is not able to help all living beings with a wave of his hand, his miraculous medical skill is enough to make all their doctors look up to him.

Just because the girl who was going to die was only skin and bone, and it was a pile of wrinkles and shriveled bodies. Now?

On the bed, lying a radiant, picturesque girl.

Seeing Zhang Yiping staring at herself, the girl couldn't stop her tears.


"Autumn instrument!"

Zhang Qiuyi felt very sad when they just held each other. She seemed to see the father who was forgetful of food and sleep, and Zhou couldn't help but wait and pray for herself day and night.

Zhang Qiuyi saw a figure coming in. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and saw the bright eyes again.

"Chen Chen Feng... "

"I said, I won't let you die." Chen Feng gently smiles.

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