Before going to the army, Chen Feng went to see Zhang Qiuyi first.

Zhang Qiuyi has been taken back home to recuperate, and with her constitution, a few more days can be fully recovered.

Zhang Yiping's home.

For Zhang Qiuyi's affairs, Zhang Qiuyi has aged a lot, but these two days also restored a lot of spirit.

"Chen Feng, thank you very much, I don't say much, please accept my worship!" Zhang Yiping said that he would kneel down.

But where Chen Feng would do such a thing for him, he dragged it up and said, "Uncle Zhang, don't be so polite. Officer Zhang is my friend, and this is because of me. I should do it."

Zhang Yiping is tall and powerful, but no matter how he wants to kneel down, Chen Feng's hand is like an iron gate, and he can't shake it at all.

He also gave up.

Zhang Yiping himself is not a man of affectation. At the moment, the look in his eyes at Chen Feng is not his original appreciation, but a kind of dignity and respect.

Doctors all over the country could not treat Zhang Qiuyi's illness, but Chen Feng did.

At that time, he found out that Chen Feng had also cured Pang Haocheng's disease. He was the miracle doctor who was known as a miracle doctor to bring the dead back to life.

And then Zhang Qiuyi miraculously recovered into flesh and blood in a week, and her beauty was even worse than before. This is beyond his imagination, including all the doctors in the people's hospital.

From that moment on, Zhang Yiping knew that Chen Feng was not only unable to see through, but also astonished at some of his skills.

Of course, Zhang Fengfan didn't dare to know the danger of Chen Fengfan's identity in the world.

"Uncle Zhang, where's officer Zhang?" Chen Feng asked.

"Rest upstairs."

Chen Feng and Zhang Yiping exchanged greetings and then went upstairs.

In addition to seeing Zhang Qiuyi this time, he would like to say goodbye to her when he saw that she was OK.

Zhang Qiuyi recovered from her serious illness. Although she was in a good state of mind, she had some deficiency and tonic transition after all and needed a good rest.

Zhang Qiuyi is radiant, because Chen Feng's array is more outstanding than before.

"Chen Feng, you are here."

Zhang Qiuyi sat on the bed, trying to lift up a trace of her hair, looking a little panicked.

"Are you all right?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"Well." Zhang Qiuyi nodded gently, her face slightly flushed.

This is the same as a shy young lady in the neighborhood. Compared with her vigorous, indifferent and heroic posture, it is really poor.

"Thank you." Zhang Qiuyi raised her head and looked at Chen Feng.

"It's a piece of cake." Chen Feng gently smiles.

Is it really easy?

Zhang Qiuyi asked herself in her heart.

She is very clear about Chen Feng's character. The latter pays more attention to love than to life and death. When she sees her own situation, she will spare no effort to save herself.

She also knew that Chen Feng was extraordinary and knew the method of ghost valley.

And she had done so, it was only the first instinct reaction, there was no more thinking.

They were so silent that they did not speak.

As a matter of fact, it should be said that both of them have a good understanding of some things, and do not need to be too explicit.

They are like green plum footed horses who have known each other for a long time.

After a long time, Zhang Qiuyi took the lead in opening her mouth, but she still said with a smile: "you come to see me. You should go back to study?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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