Chen Feng nodded his head and said, "yes, you are OK. I will leave in two or three days."

Zhang Qiuyi's eyes darkened a little, but soon recovered.

From last year when she knew that Chen Feng was going to leave Shenchuan, she already knew that Chen Feng would not stay in Shenchuan for a long time.

Although very reluctant, but everyone has their own circle, has their own life.

Chen Feng did the bedside, stretched out his hand to lift Zhang Qiuyi's hair to the back of his ear.

Zhang Qiuyi some panic, she did not expect that Chen Feng would make such a gesture of intimacy.

But she did not mean to avoid, but slightly bowed her head and blushed.

"It's not like we'll never meet, will we?" Chen fengrou said with a smile.

"Well." Zhang Qiuyi nodded slightly.

She didn't know what position she had in Chen Feng's heart, but she didn't know how. With Chen Feng's words, her heart was like Mount Tai, and suddenly she was settled down.

Chen Feng is just like a dragon in the sky, temporarily stranded in the shallow sea. From her contact with Chen Feng's supernatural skills and Xing Zhifei, a powerful martial arts practitioner, she has already understood that Chen Feng, such an excellent person, has his own circle, and sooner or later will stand on the height she looks up to, even the secular respect.

But what does all this mean?

As long as they have a place in each other's heart, even a little bit of status, that is enough.

Like a person, not necessarily together, sometimes, more is a kind of accomplishment.

She has not too many requirements, nor extravagant desire too much, just hope to see more Chen Feng.

After a long time, Chen Feng finally got up and said, "have a good rest."

Chen Feng turned around and left. Zhang Qiuyi was in a hurry. She didn't respond. She seemed to have something to say, but she didn't say it in the end.

"I wonder if he remembers what he said to me in the ward?"

Immediately she thought about it and shook her head in her heart: "what if you don't remember? He and I, after all, are not the same people in the world, as long as he said, that's enough. "

Chen Feng came to the door, suddenly stopped, turned around, looked at Zhang Qiuyi, some stars flashed in his eyes, and said: "I promise you, I will protect you for a lifetime, no one can hurt you again."

Zhang Qiuyi was shocked, and her face was flushed with crimson. Her eyes were a little confused. She couldn't recover for a long time.

Chen Feng left, but Zhang Yiping came in.

Zhang Yiping, who was outside the door, listened to what they had just said.

Zhang Yiping sighed slightly when he saw Zhang Qiuyi lost his mind at this time, and even had some extraordinary splendor.

"Qiuyi, what's the trouble? This son is not the generation of pond fish. He is destined to be extraordinary all his life, but... "

"No need to say, Dad."

Zhang Qiuyi recovered, took a deep breath, and said with a smile: "to love a person, it is not necessary to have him. As long as I see him in peace, I will have no regrets."

Zhang Yiping was worried and said, "don't you marry people all your life? You are so excellent, I don't know where to go after you. Why do you want to stay with such a person? "

Parents like their children to find a good home. Zhang Yiping is no exception.

He doesn't look down on Chen Feng. On the contrary, Chen Feng is a high mountain, which makes people look up and stop walking. He can't get close to him.

He certainly didn't want Zhang Qiuyi to sacrifice his lifelong happiness for such a person.

Zhang Qiuyi has a soft look in her eyes and doesn't speak.

What Zhang Yiping doesn't know is, he doesn't know how. After meeting such a person, perhaps, all the people can't be compared with each other.

Some things, suitable to exist in memory, and some emotions, perhaps buried in the bottom of my heart for a lifetime, can also be regarded as a kind of happiness

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