For Zhang Qiuyi's emotion, Chen Feng didn't think too much. He just wanted to give the best protection to the people around him, and he didn't want to see what accidents they continued to have.

How can he not know Zhang Qiuyi's love for himself?

"Well, forget it. You'd better take care of yourself first." Chen Feng shook his head slightly.

After Tang Xiaoxuan left, Chen Feng did not think too much about the relationship between men and women. Everything was just as it should be.

Another reason is that he doesn't want to put a woman in a dangerous situation because he is too close to her.

Zhang Qiuyi is an example.

Then Chen Feng went to xinghuitiandi.

I haven't seen it for a while. The exterior decoration of Xinghui Tiandi has changed greatly. It's luxurious and elegant. Almost all the cars parked at the gate are luxury cars.

This surprised Chen Feng.

Xinghuitiandi in Shennan district has not taken these high-end bar routes, this has not been seen for half a year, why is it so tall?

Chen Feng is about to go in when he sees three beautiful women.

Strangely enough, none of them looks like a nightclub makeup.

Two of them have outstanding temperament, especially the woman in the middle. They are wearing seven point chiffon long sleeves and a red waist skirt, revealing half of white leg, matching with a pair of high-heeled shoes and carrying a brand-name LV handbag. Their makeup is gorgeous but not strong, light and elegant, with a big wave over the waist looking extraordinary.

The man on the left, with a beautiful face and big eyes, is dressed in a floral dress with a pair of small white shoes, a casual dress.

As for the man on the right, he has a good figure, especially his chest is very full, and his face is also very beautiful.

This woman looks about the same size as Chen Feng. She is also a high waisted chiffon, black and white skirt. She wears a pair of beige pointed high-heeled shoes, which perfectly supports her slender figure.

When he saw this man, Chen Feng was stunned.


Yes, this man is Han Yufei.

The temperament of the three, combined with the graceful and graceful figure, has attracted many people's attention.

"Chen Feng?"

Han Yufei obviously also saw Chen Feng, a little surprised.

"Why are you here? Aren't you in class at this time? " Han Yufei asked in surprise.

This year, she was a sophomore. According to the truth, Chen Feng should be a freshman. How can she still be in Shenchuan?

She knew that Chen Feng had gone to Yanjing to study.

"Yufei, is this your friend?"

The woman in the middle asked.

this woman's looks are beautiful, her conversation is graceful, her perfume is light, and her fragrance is elegant.

In addition, the three people vaguely led by her, obviously her status in Shenchuan is also very extraordinary.

You know, Han Yufei's family group in Shenchuan is also one of the three groups!

Of course, although compared with the Tang Group, and the Lin group, is the bottom, but because of the support of the Tang family, the details are extraordinary.

Chen Feng knows that Tang's group has become a lot more low-key because of Tang Xiaoxuan's departure.

Perhaps it is not surprising that the Han family is out of the big group because of this.

This woman asked, obviously a little cold, seems to look at Han Yufei's sake, out of a courtesy.

It's no wonder that Chen Feng has always been slovenly. He always wears casual pants, a pair of board shoes, and a pair of long sleeve clothes. Although he is still three points handsome, this dress completely ignores Chen Feng's appearance.

In fact, don't say that the warm spring weather, even if it is a cold place, even if Chen Feng does not wear clothes, he will not feel cold.

If he was not afraid of walking on the street through too many strange eyes, he would have put on a cool short sleeve, now, the United States called its name: adapt to the season.

Han Yufei said: "this is my cousin's boyfriend, his name is Chen Feng, in Yanjing University."

"Your cousin's boyfriend? Yufei, you lied to me? Your cousin is the general manager of Tang Group. How does she like him , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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