"What's the matter?"

Zhao Xueer is curious to see Chen Feng feel pulse for himself for no reason.

Immediately saw Chen Feng light Yi's appearance, in the heart is strange.

Chen Feng turned to smile, put up his hand, and said, "it's OK. President Zhao is in good health. If I guess it's right, president Zhao should have no pain in the past few years. "

President Zhao was surprised, but still nodded: "yes, I am also very strange, I even have a cold are less, see some doctors, all said that I am in good health."

Chen Feng nods, is no longer talking.

"It's strange that she has a certain coldness in her body, but it soon disappears, as if she has spirit."

The last time Chen Feng and Zhao Xueer shook hands, he felt the same way. At that time, he wanted to find a time to explore it. Unexpectedly, this was the case when he took the pulse just now.

"The world is so big that there is nothing unusual about it. It should be some kind of constitution." Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, immediately no longer think much.

Zhao Xueer's physical condition is similar to Tang Xiaoxuan, but the difference is that Tang Xiaoxuan's condition is more complicated and weird, or in fact, the two people are somewhat opposite.

But until now, Chen Feng is still not sure whether to cure Tang Xiaoxuan's headache. After all, with his medical skills at that time and Tang Xiaoxuan's unstable condition, it is very difficult to figure out.

What's more, Tang Xiaoxuan was taken away by an immortal cultivator, which made Chen Feng feel that Tang Xiaoxuan's so-called headache and the so-called disaster star title must have something to do with it.

As long as Zhao Xueer's normal activities are not affected, there will be no problem.

Chen Feng put his eyes on the messy table top and said with a smile: "it seems that president Zhao has been very busy recently."

Zhao Xueer looked at Chen Feng bitterly. The look in her eyes was like a little couple flirting and then coaxed back by the other half.

"It's not because of you. Two short messages have been sent and I've asked for two months' leave. If it wasn't for Shangguan, I would be very busy."

Chen Feng was going to go back after the new year, but because he wanted to learn green lotus sword technique and Xing Zhifei's affairs, he decided to go to the shadow hunting base for a month, so he had to ask for leave.

However, before Chen Feng got on the plane, Zhao Xueer had already told him about the open class. The materials on the table were some speeches and some prepared speech topics.

For example, the development of traditional Chinese medicine, the emergence of those king of medicine in history, and also focuses on the introduction of traditional Chinese medicine, such as watching, listening, questioning and so on.

Chen Feng glanced and knew that Zhao Xueer must have taken a long time to do her homework. After all, she graduated from western medicine. Chen Feng was very grateful to her for her dedication to the development of traditional Chinese medicine.

"By the way, you're here just in time. There are three days to make a public speech. You can go back and have a look at the opening remarks of these speeches. I've helped you to do some typesetting for you with other professional knowledge. You can add some deficiencies." Zhao Xueer said.

"No need." Chen Feng said these three words directly.

"What don't you need?" Zhao Xueer is stunned.

Chen Feng said: "if you make a speech according to the conventional academic report, it has to be said that it is a comprehensive speech. But the reason why traditional Chinese medicine has declined is because of its degree of dullness. Ordinary people simply can't have the patience to learn it."

"I'm afraid that the so-called open class will not only waste resources, but also make no one willing to change majors to learn traditional Chinese medicine if they doze off."

Zhao Xueer thought, it seems that there is some truth, immediately inexplicably looked at Chen Feng, asked: "that Chen classmate, you have a better way?"

Chen Feng said with a meaningful smile: "I don't need to draft, but I can achieve the best effect with the simplest method. At that time, I will make everyone look at TCM with a new look. After three days, president Zhao will know

Chen Feng with a mysterious and confident smile is to leave, leaving only Zhao Xueer slightly surprised and strange eyes.


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