Farewell to Zhao Xueer, Chen Feng is back to his long lost bedroom, roommate Yin Jiazhi is concentrating on staring at the screen.

"Chen Feng, where have you been in two months?" Yin Jiazhi is surprised to see Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smile, is to casually find an excuse.

"By the way, there is a big event in our school recently." Yin Jiazhi looks very excited.

"Oh? What's the big deal Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Hey, you don't know? In your department of traditional Chinese medicine, it seems that a 20-year-old distinguished professor will hold a public lecture class in the auditorium! My God, not everyone is qualified to give a speech in the auditorium of Yanda! And he's a 20-year-old distinguished professor! It's against the weather. "

Yin Jiazhi's eyes were very excited and said: "you don't know, our school's forum is all exploded, all in the rumor who this talented teacher is."

Chen Feng did not have a little emotional fluctuation, just nodded slightly. Yin Jiazhi took a look at Chen Feng and comforted him: "the smell of the road has its own sequence. There is a specialty in the field of technology. Chen Feng, you are already very good at fighting. Don't lose heart."

Chen Feng couldn't laugh or cry. Yin Jiazhi thought that he was not happy because of jealousy, but I didn't know that the distinguished professor was me!

Yin Jiazhi didn't pay attention to Chen Feng's feelings. He immediately said to himself, "this open class is very powerful. Yanjing Union Medical College, University of traditional Chinese medicine, and even Yanying college. Anyway, many people are ready to come to see this speech. Twenty year old distinguished professor! Who doesn't want to see what he looks like. Moreover, it is said that this time, it was held by the president of the medical college, in order to let everyone have a new understanding of traditional Chinese medicine. "

Chen Feng thought to himself: "it seems that this public lecture of traditional Chinese medicine has attracted many people to come. In this way, the identity has to be exposed in advance."

Chen Feng has some helplessness in his heart, but the so-called mountain is not high, there are fairies, water is not deep, there are dragons.

He is the "immortal", he is the "dragon". If it is not displayed, maybe Chinese medicine in the whole country will still be in such a weak and decadent state.

"In that case, let's do a good job and let them see the strength of my Chinese medicine." Chen Feng's eyes are full of vitality.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Since he has a deep understanding of the true biography of Hua Tuo and has the inheritance of a thousand year old medical sage, it is an unshirkable responsibility to promote medical skills.

Yin Jiazhi did not understand: "what a big fight?"

"No, I said I had to concentrate on my study when I came back." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Yin Jiazhi looks at Chen Feng strangely. After all, Chen Feng is mysterious. He has been used to it.

"Oh, yes," Yin Jiazhi suddenly came over and said, "do you remember Zheng Hua?"

"Douji club, isn't it?" Chen Feng nodded.

"Yes, it's him. Last time they said that when their president comes back, will you feel good? I heard that their president will be back next week, and the douji club has threatened to give you a challenge


When he defeated Zheng Hua before, Chen Feng said that he was waiting to select the president of the fighting technology society. It took half a year for this to happen. It seems that we can finally meet the president of the so-called fighting technology society.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

In this case, the door was knocked, and Yin Jiazhi opened the door. They were two tall figures. He turned around and looked at Chen Feng strangely. The look in his eyes was simply saying -

that Cao Cao was coming.

"Chen Feng."

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