Chen Feng said with a faint smile: "what if it's me? What if it's not me? In your mind, perhaps you already have the answer? "

But song Yuwen stares at Chen Feng with a strong desire in her eyes.

"But I can't believe that man!"

Chen Feng suddenly came to be interested and asked faintly, "tell me your reason."

Song Yuwen took a deep breath and immediately held her head high, showing her unique temperament and nobility.

"Because I don't think you can be that kind of person at all."

Chen Feng still does not speak, quietly listening to song Yuwen.

Song Yuwen's temperament has completely changed. In the invisible, she even has a cold attitude towards herself, even indifference.

"Chen Feng, you seem to be just a college student, but your words and your voice are not in line with your age."

"You were born in a small village in Qinling city. Your family has been a farmer for generations, facing the Loess and facing the sky. You can't make friends with Qin Yinglong or even Tang Zhiyou."

"Your birth, background, knowledge and ability are all destined that you have no connection with our upper class circle. The solidifying of your Chen family class also means that even if you can integrate into this circle, you will never be able to make friends with the top people at the top."


Speaking of this, song Yuwen's eyes suddenly darkened. All her pride and temperament, as well as the dignity in her blood, were suddenly eclipsed.

Song Yuwen said here, Chen Feng has almost understood the meaning of song Yuwen.

"It seems that in your bones, you still don't change that view of me!" Chen Feng sighed softly.

This sigh is not a disappointment, but a kind of indifference and indifference.

Before in the club, Qin Yinglong hosted Chen Feng for the first time. Song Yuwen spoke with Chen Feng in a high attitude.

After all, song Yuwen was born in such a big song family when she was a child. Many of the people she saw were still things that ordinary people couldn't touch in their whole life.

It is precisely for this reason that there is a superior attitude in Song Yuwen's bones.

Of course, this gesture was deliberately hidden by song Yuwen. For example, her classmates, Dai Hua, Cai Bingyan, Su Rou and so on, would not show up.

Although song Yuwen is in front of them is to show a little rich lady's character, rather than that kind of superior.

After all, because of the relationship between the Song family, song Yuwen did not tell the people around her.

They get along very well, but, until there is one more person in her life, that person is Chen Feng.

Because of his relationship with Qin Yinglong, Chen Feng saved a group of them in KTV, so that his words and gestures made song Yuwen, a goddess who was once supported by many stars, feel a sense of difference.

Although from the identity point of view, Chen Feng still can not be compared with song Yuwen, but every time she meets Chen Feng, she will have a kind of unwillingness and loneliness because of KTV.

She would feel that she was born noble and had a large family. Why should she be so angry and despised by such a person?

Although the other party is intentionally or unintentionally, but she always wants to get back some self-confidence in front of this person, but she found that she can not do it.

It was not until she and Chen Feng had a "cold war" because of the club, and song Yuwen did not change her outlook on Chen Feng until the incident of kongxiang martial arts school appeared.

However, from that time on, although song Yuwen admired Chen Feng and even had a strong desire for Chen Feng, she still couldn't pass her own level -

that is the identity of Chen Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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