She didn't feel that Chen Feng was not worthy of herself. She felt that even though Chen Feng was good at martial arts and had strong martial arts, she was at least kind to herself, even kind.

But in fact?

Not at all.

Although she was too modest with Chen Fengdao after the incident, Chen Feng also said that she had forgotten the dispute in the club. But the more Chen Feng was like this, the more she felt the distance between herself and Chen Feng, the more estranged she was.

Although she has her father song Qiuxi and song Xuanze, she knows that Chen Feng is not likely to have any good feelings for her.

At that time, song Fengxiang was strict with his fiancee, but he didn't say that it was her fiancee who came to Chen's house to help her.

The reason why she is so unwilling is that her identity is not in line with her feelings.

Why don't you go one step further?

Why don't you look at me in the eye?

Why? Why do you pretend you don't know that I've been showing concern and kindness to you many times?

In her opinion, why is it that one of the most ordinary people, and why a student who unconsciously feels that it is impossible to surpass himself in status, even in interpersonal relationship, can actually leap over the dragon's gate and soar to the sky at one stroke?

Song Yuwen has never been able to get to know Tang Zhiyou, Qin Yinglong, the talented doctor of Huaxia Medical Association, and even the distinguished professor in the open class of Yanjing University. All these honors, strength and contacts are beyond song Yuwen's temporarily.

In particular, Shen Chuan's time made her feel complicated.

A person's character, is from the bone deep, and is from the childhood, imperceptibly influenced by the environment.

How does song Yuwen know? When Chen Feng was in the club, he said to song Yuwen that the other party was in his own eyes and had no two eyes with an ordinary person.

Even when it comes to Kong Xiang's martial arts school, he and song Yuwen "turned war into jade and silk". He felt that he didn't have to worry about such a woman at all, because at that time, his temperament became more calm and indifferent with the improvement of his strength.

Especially now, with Chen Feng's ability, don't say that a song Yuwen, even a martial arts master, is nothing in his eyes. How can he and song Yuwen have a common understanding.

Therefore, he had already put those unpleasant things behind him. From Kong Xiang martial arts school, he only regarded song Yuwen as a simple friend. Naturally, he would not have excessive ideas about her.

But he was still wrong.

He did not expect that song Yuwen should have such a feeling for herself. This kind of sentiment stems from her identity and her attitude towards her.

The so-called love and hate, just a thought difference.

This is not Chen Feng's fault, nor song Yuwen's fault.

Song Yuwen thinks about the relationship with Chen Feng from her own standpoint and the character and emotion of her family.

After all, there is too much difference between the two classes.

Therefore, song Yuwen still has this kind of family status for herself, or emotion, or the personality developed from childhood. He does not blame her at all.

Song Yuwen lowered her head and bit her red lips. Then she said, "but However, you are so good at martial arts that my father thinks highly of him. Even my father spent his energy to make you famous as a doctor of genius in Yanjing. Even your martial arts can reach that level of wonder... "

"But I thought you and I were not in the same world, but..."

Having said that, song Yuwen raised her head, her eyes twinkled with tears, and her voice seemed a little hoarse

"But I'm the last person you want to see, right?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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