Chen Feng took the words, facial expression.

He knew that no matter how strong his genius doctor was, he was only known in Yanjing only by his father song Qiuxi.

His "martial arts" are very powerful. At most, he is just the same skill as the big martial star on TV. From the amount, he is just a martial artist.

And no matter how strong one's connections are, in the final analysis, they are just relying on the strength of others, which is not their own details.

But what happened?

As a result, song Yuwen contacted Chen Feng more often, and her heart became more complicated and unwilling.

In any case, song Yuwen can't imagine that Chen Feng's name as a doctor of genius was really promoted by song Qiuxi in Yanjing. But what about the open class of Yanda?

That's an open class with the best experts and professors in the country! But Chen Feng's medical skill is simply a miracle in the history of human medicine. Is this also because of their song family?

That is Chen Feng really has this kind of medical skill ability!

Take a look at Chen Feng's martial arts ability, is that really a kind of innumerable?

The inheritors of the Yang family have a marvelous martial arts ability. They don't even know how to fight. They can almost kill people.

Take a look at the window of the world. Xing Zhifei, the first disciple of the so-called three martial arts masters of the overseas youth gang, did not destroy the buildings in the final battle. Even the 100 meter high Eiffel Tower was cut off!

At that time, although the distance between them was not clear, was it true that they looked back on the scene? This is beyond the ordinary ability!

Besides, Chen Feng's contacts, if we say that he met Qin Yinglong because Chen Feng may have connections with black people, but what about Tang Zhiyou?

Even after returning from Shenchuan, Su Rou told her that Gao Zhaojie, Su Rou's father, and fan Zhihong were all together. What was the scene like? That's to see Master Chen!

If that person is really Chen Feng, then whether it is medical skills, contacts, force, how can ordinary people achieve?

He's not even 20 years old!

But can his various performances be possessed by a 20-year-old student who has no background, identity, connections or even nothing?

Song Yuwen's family is extraordinary. Although she shocked Chen Feng, she was not an ordinary lady in a sense.

Her father didn't even know that she was born in Yanjing.

She also guessed that Chen Feng's identity is extraordinary, but she just doesn't want to believe that all these are the Chen Feng she once knew.

"That's why you came to me tonight?" Chen Feng asked lightly.

In any case, Chen Feng is no longer the former Chen Feng.

He is a gifted doctor. He is a specially appointed professor. He is also the chief instructor of hunting shadow. He is also master Chen of Donghai, master Chen of martial arts and Taoism in the south of China. Even, he is a Taoist practitioner.

All of these identities doomed Chen Feng and song Yuwen will not have the same insight, will not blame, or even have any anger to song Yuwen.

"Song Yuwen, do you remember what I said? Don't take yourself too high, and don't treat others as worthless, because there are many things you don't know

"I still said that, you in my eyes, and ordinary people have no difference."

Chen Feng took a deep breath, overlooking the lights of thousands of homes in the distance, carrying both hands, gently said: "you can't imagine, that person is me? Well, you have to tie the bell to get rid of the bell. In that case, I'll show you. "

After that, Chen Feng's eyes flashed a touch of light, like a bright star, and then he stretched out a hand and yelled: "get together!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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