Chen Feng's outstretched hand was suddenly clenched. On top of his fist, an invisible whirlpool suddenly appeared.

The aura of heaven and earth, which is hundreds of meters round, converges on his fist from all directions in a state of swarming.

The vortex has changed from transparent to light white like a cloud, and the vortex is converging and becoming larger.

Song Yuwen is simply stunned. In her horrified eyes, the whirlpool on Chen Feng's fist is getting bigger and bigger, from ten centimeters to one meter, and finally covers ten meters.

Song Yuwen couldn't help but take a few steps behind her legs. She found that she was touched by the white swirling fog and touched her body. She felt as if she was in the endless starry universe. She was a drop in the ocean, as tiny as a mole ant.

But she looked around and found that there were still wisps of flowing fog around her, slowly converging and growing.

Although she did not understand, but can feel, Chen Feng fist, faintly came a strong feeling.

"This..." Song Yuwen's psychology is in a state of turmoil.

She never looked at such a scene. It was almost like a magic trick.

This is only on TV!

All of a sudden, Chen Feng's five fingers were a piece. Countless white fog was surging in all directions and then disappeared, as if everything was a magic.

But since it's magic, why does your heart beat faster?

Why did you just feel small?

Why did Chen Feng's temperament change dramatically at that time?

"Do you believe it now?" Chen Feng looked at Song Yuwen faintly, and then turned around. The voice came.

"You and I are not people of the same world. Everything I have is because of my power, which can cut off life and death and control the world."

Song Yuwen's delicate body suddenly is a shock, this time, her heart is full of waves.

She finally realized that the "expectation" in her heart, what she expected to contact, think and know was not the youth in front of her, but she was wrong and her "fantasy" was broken.

Her last hope was completely broken.

"Now, do you still want to know if I am master Chen?" Chen Feng turned her head and calmly looked at Song Yuwen.

This look, like a real person overlooking the earth, is so strange and full of deterrence that song Yuwen dare not look at Chen Feng.

"It's late at night. Go back and have a rest early."

Chen Feng left a word, is to return to the room, leaving only song Yuwen's pale look.

Yes, although she got the answer in her heart, but she would rather not this answer, because she knew that the distance between herself and Chen Feng seemed to be farther away.

In the car.

Song Yuwen's mood is extremely complicated. Although she shakes Chen Feng's ability, when Chen Feng doesn't know, the Song family is not an ordinary family.

"Chen Feng, how many identities are you hiding from me..."

The more she thinks about it, the more doubts she has in her heart, but she doesn't know how. The more like this, the more she wants to find out

Chen Feng did not go to send song Yuwen to leave. When he returned to the room, he still had a small whirlpool in his hand.

"The third form of Dazhen martial rhyme seems to have been completed. I don't know how powerful it is?"

What Chen Feng just showed is the third form of Dazhen martial rhyme.

The Zhenwu Daofa handed down to him by the Buddha Monkey King is too powerful. If he had not broken through to the later stage of Qi refining, he might not have been able to contact the third form.

However, Chen Feng knows that the power of the third move is too powerful. With his current strength, the two moves of Dazhen martial formula and the green lotus sword technique are enough to make him deal with the martial arts master.

"The next thing is to refine the spirit gathering array again."

When Chen Feng was thinking of something, he suddenly thought of the phone. He was stunned, with a slight smile, and said to himself, "did this guy finally think of me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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