Snake whisker needle is a very sinister and vicious concealed weapon of Tang clan.

This kind of concealed weapon is usually made by combining the venom of five poisonous snakes and smearing it on the needle sword.

Once poisoned, it is said that even martial arts masters, if not treated in time, will be poisoned to death within half an hour, invading the internal organs and six viscera.

Within this half hour, the toxin will inhibit the joint and bone strength, so that people feel a sense of fatigue.

Two people see already gradually powerless white Mu Han, the latter already felt own spirit power to run not to come up.

"I didn't expect that the famous Bai Du Tong was so lovely." Wang Bicheng squatted down and cocked his chin.

"Take away your dirty hands!"

Bai Muhan an anger, the other side of the body quickly pushed them away, she was just about to force back, but the whole body directly fell down.

"Ha ha! It's a personality. " Zhong Qiang seemed to smile.

"Bai Du Tong, don't waste your mind. The more energetic you are, the more blocked your acupoints will be. What a pity! Those who want to arrest my blood refining door really think we are not prepared? "

Bai Muhan didn't dare to use her strength. She raised her eyebrows and said: "you dare to kill me! The six doors will not let you go! "

"Six doors? Ha ha, I killed you today. Who knows we did it? I'm not afraid to tell you that even if the army men come, we are not afraid. " Wang Bicheng said with a smile, but he looked at Bai Muhan's eyes, more and more lewd light suddenly vent appearance.

It has to be said that Bai Muhan falls on the ground, this kind of half sleeping beauty's posture is really full of a kind of different beauty.

"Tut Tut, brother Qiang, you said that it takes half an hour for the toxin to reach the viscera. In half an hour, can our brother have a good time?"

Zhong Qiang's eyes narrowed. In the moonlight, Bai Muhan's white face set off a kind of pitiful, but also vowed not to follow, which made the two more ready to move.

"I heard that the selection of people from six gates is very strict. Men must be childlike and women should be virgins. They can't break the precepts until they are 25 years old. In this way, they can cultivate their" Six Harmonies mental method "to the highest level. I don't know if it is true." Wang Bicheng has revealed his obscene face, and his saliva seems to be flowing all over the place.

"Dare you Bai Muhan's face was red, his eyes were staring, and his heart was filled with shame and indignation.

"Why don't we dare? Since you are going to die, why don't you just let us be a romantic, and it's a matter of your life, isn't it? I don't think you've ever tasted men's meat? " Wang Bicheng smile more evil, he has come up, seems to be about to start undressing.

"Don't think about it! Even if I die, I will not give you a discount! " Bai Muhan is angry and seems to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

Zhong Qiang saw that, faster than Bai Muhan's movement, immediately was on her neck, Bai Muhan was unable to move.

But as her eyes opened, a color of horror came up.

"Ha ha! What a tough female Constable! Yes, I'd rather die than obey, right? Your acupoints have been ordered by me. The more you don't follow, the more we want you to go from it to the end, don't you have to

After that, Wang Bicheng is a burst of strange smile, has begun to take off Bai Muhan's coat, Bai Muhan can't move, her eyes are red, tears fall asleep, the corners of her eyes flow down.

She has been a teacher for 20 years, and she has never been humiliated today. However, she did not expect to lose her life in the hands of these despicable people because of her carelessness.

She's not willing! I didn't expect that before I died, my body would be defiled.

Wang Bicheng has already begun to unbutton his chest. His shirt has been untied, and the deep ravines are leaking in their eyes. Their eyes are burning with desire.

Bai Muhan closed her eyes, tears had wet her face.

Just as Wang Bicheng was about to continue to unbutton Bai Muhan's chest, a voice of indifference sounded --

"didn't your master teach you to be kind and cherish the precious jade?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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