Hearing the familiar voice, Wang Bicheng and Zhong Qiang's faces suddenly changed, and the movements on the former's hands were solidified instantly.

"It's you!"

Wang Bicheng quickly let go and jumped back with Zhong Qiang. Bai Muhan was lying on the ground directly. The whole person couldn't move. But she clearly saw a figure that was walking freely in a leisurely court, which was the young man in the room just now.

He Come on!

How could it be?!

Bai Muhan's heart awakened from the grief, anger and shame just now, and was shocked.

She chased for several kilometers to get here. Just now she was looking after people, but she didn't notice that someone was following her. The identity of this person is not simple!

"Boy, it's you again!" Wang Bicheng angrily pointed at the man in front of him.

Yes, this person, not Chen Feng, who is it?

In fact, on their way to catch up, Chen Feng's gas has already locked in these people. He just follows in idle court, and doesn't lean too far ahead.

And he has a way to hide his breath. How can these people feel him?

Looking at the white Muhan on the ground in front of him, Chen Feng doesn't move. If he doesn't show up, this woman named Bai Muhan would have been wolf Chinese food.

And Chen Feng also did not think that this person, unexpectedly, is the person of six doors.

He thought to himself that he had come earlier, otherwise he would have been cut off by the six gates.

However, Bai Muhan's impartial and unyielding character surprised Chen Feng.

"You've been around all the time!" Zhong Qiang's mind is relatively meticulous, and his face changes violently.

Chen Feng nods, cannot buy no way: "yes."

Bai Muhan is even more surprised that this man has been around? But they didn't find out!

"What do you want?" Zhong Qiang asked in a deep voice.

This young man is too terrible and weird. In their cognition, there is no such person in Yanjing!

"Didn't I say that? I don't mean any harm to you, just come with me. "

Chen Feng said the cloud is light, but in Wang Bicheng and Zhong Qiang two people listen, but the heart is shaking.

There is no malice in farting. Will you chase for several kilometers without malice?

The man seemed calm, but his every move was full of enigmatic taste, which made it impossible for them to believe what he said.

Zhong Qiang and Wang Bicheng looked at each other. In their eyes, a kind of dark and fierce color flashed away.

White Mu Han flower looks pale, the heart called a: be careful!

But helpless, she could not speak at all.

And just when she just wanted to shout out, she saw Zhong Qiang take the lead.

When his legs were bent, his spiritual power suddenly burst apart.


in a flash, there was a big footprint on the ground, and the floor was cracked. His whole body was like a sharp arrow, which was like a sharp arrow. He rushed towards Chen Feng and ran out with one hand. A kind of bloody and fierce momentum suddenly burst out.

Strong wind whistling to rush, Zhong Qiang's action is extremely fast, accompanied by his big drink: "blood to train hands!"

This is their specialty in blood refining. Usually, they soak their hands in the blood of the dead and refine them by using the skills.

I saw his hand in the wind unexpectedly expanded three points, bloody gas, as if the wind howled, very terrible.

Chen Feng's eyes are awe inspiring. Yang Hao says that the blood refining sect is not a famous and decent school. On the contrary, it's some sneaky rats who practice martial arts that are not allowed by people.

At first sight today, it's true!

Because Chen Feng's skill in ghost Valley is extremely high, he can feel the Yin Qi related to the dead.

Zhong Qiang's hand, at least, is inspired by the blood of dozens of people.

Although I don't know whether it's the dead or the living, Chen Feng's heart is awed by the Yin evil method.

"Fox mouse generation!"

Chen Feng has given them a chance, but they didn't cooperate, so don't blame him.

Bai Muhan is shocked and pale, and calls in his heart that he is bad.

Although Chen Feng gave her the feeling that although she was quiet, her breath was too quiet. Even if she had martial arts cultivation, she could not fight against the insidious and fierce blood refining sect disciples. But at the next moment, her face was shocked.

On one side of his body, the blood Refining Hand unexpectedly came to the air, and Zhong Qiang's face suddenly changed.

He did not feel good when he tried to train his hands with blood. He didn't expect to meet an expert!


He immediately withdrew, but then, his body suddenly stopped, and his arm was caught by a sharp claw.


"How many people have you killed?" Chen Feng asked indifferently.

Zhong Qiang's face turned pale. He tried to get away, but his hand couldn't move at all.

"Let me go!"

"Obstinate, you don't say, that hand is left." Chen Feng raised his other hand, made a knife like hand, and slowly cut it offwww.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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