Gao Zhaojie was the first to change his face.

Chen Feng's ability they know, these super ability person, has the great power, is not the ordinary person can compare.

Since Chen Feng told them that they had killed so many people, the background of those people was definitely not simple.

If you really want to get into trouble, isn't Chen Feng worried about his life?

Su Sheng, in particular, changed his face wildly. He quickly asked, "master Chen, that..."

Chen Feng said: "don't be afraid. Su Rou is my friend. He will be OK. I've asked the school people to keep an eye on me

Yin Fengshen doesn't care about their friends' life and death.

At least he asked shangguanling to help him pay more attention, so that he would have no worries.

Su Sheng is a little relieved. He knows that the female police officer in Shenchuan has something to do with Chen Feng. The victim almost died, and Chen Feng was killed in the window of the world.

And he knows that Su Rou is infatuated with Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's heart is not in her daughter's body!

And if those so-called super powers know about it, isn't it killing?

However, his own daughter, he knows the most about the temperament, his heart can only helpless.

"Is there anything big going on here in Yanjing?" Su Sheng asked again.

His career is in Jiangnan Province, but some of his friends and relatives are here, so he has to worry.

What's more, the normal people will react to the invasion of China by foreign enemies.

And it may cause domestic chaos!

Chen Feng said: "it doesn't matter. There are army gate and liumen gate here in Yanjing. If I killed those people, the official will certainly blame them for their poor supervision. So, you don't have to worry. What's more, Yanjing is the capital of the state of China, and there is a kingdom of martial arts and Taoism. The big family of Wudao is in the dark. It is impossible for foreign enemies to invade. You have to worry about it. "

In this way, Su Shengji was relieved.

They are indeed a little worried.

With thousands of years of history, China has become one of the largest countries in the world.

What's more, in the early Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, they were invaded by foreign powers, and now they are feared by countless foreign superpowers. Is it not because they are afraid of the internal power of China?

The military gate, the martial arts circle, and the real weapons and forces all make people dare not take a step.

What's more, with this historical background, how can history repeat itself, such as the official, the martial arts and the military?

Chen Feng is aware of this layer of reasons, will be so fearless, no worries, and then can be relieved to go to the East China Sea to help them.

"Where is Lin's group..." Gao Zhaojie asked again.

They know that Chen Feng and the Lin family have some enmities in it, and they have just heard Chen Feng say that the Lin family has some blood race people to protect.

It's a terrible thing to hear.

"The Lin family, when I return to Shenchuan next time, I will solve the problem. Moreover, I have to go to Shenchuan." Chen Feng's eyes flashed a sharp light.

Qingming tiger is employed by a mysterious family in Shenchuan. It must not be a small family to spend 100 million US dollars.

He will see who it is and take his life.

And if it is still Lin's group to do, then Chen Feng this time in charge of his blood group is not blood.

And if someone else did it, he would be uprooted.

Chen Feng thought for a while, took out his mobile phone and said, "before I leave, I need to ask a friend of mine about the pirates."

Then, Chen Feng is to dial a hundred field wild telephone.

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