Since the last time back from Toyo, Baidi Shangye has sent a text message to Chen Feng every new year and festival.

This kind of friendship between the two has nothing to do with history or distance. It is about the kind of heart to heart relationship.

When Chen Feng was still in the so-called martial arts master's realm, he dared to set foot in the Oriental Kingdom, representing the one side of Baidi Shangye, and won the support of Yangren school in the Zhongren assessment.

However, Xiao Yu knows that Baidi Shangye is always the heirs of Baidi family who has no "tolerance". In terms of military force, it is difficult for the Yinren sect to completely submit to him.

Therefore, when he became the successor of the Baidi family, the Baidi family not only had to clean up the internal troubles, but also needed all kinds of waste to be revived.

In particular, Baidi Wulang, the elder brother of Baidi Shangye, escaped and was not killed.

In other words, Baidi Wulang is likely to be recuperating, and may be secretly looking for the support of the Yin tolerance sect.

All these need to be supervised and maintained by a hundred people without force.

Speaking of it, even if it is baidiwulang, until now, Chen Feng is still some lingering fear.

Baidi Wulang is a super genius of Baidi family for hundreds of years. When he is five years old, he can see his own Ninjutsu and make his own seal. However, the leader of Baidi family can not possess this kind of Ninja skill.

His father sealed the talent of baidiwulang because of his ancestral precepts.

Because of this, baidiwulang became more and more cruel and cruel. Then he united with forbearance and even arrested and even killed his father.

It can be imagined that baidiwulang is really terrible.

It's no wonder that the Yinren sect and Baidi Wulang hit it off.

However, no matter how it is said, the Yinren school must follow the ancestral precepts. Since Zhongren has won the examination, Baidi Shangye can only give up Baidi Wulang as the successor.

But how can the fact be so simple?

Baidi Shangye confides to Chen Feng, and Chen Feng doesn't want to help Baidi Shangye.

But in any case, Chen Feng also has his own things to do, and each side of the world is beyond his reach.

What's more, Chen Feng was not able to build the foundation at that time, but now it is not the same.

Although Chen Feng is not the strongest in China, he is still a little confident among the super talents in Northeast Asia.

In fact, Chen Feng also wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to go to Dongyang.

And this idea is in deep Sichuan, otherwise, how could Chen Feng rashly kill Qingming tiger, Jin GuoZhe, and even Brooke?

He just knew that he was going to leave for a while, so that Yanjing might be stable for a while.

Otherwise, as long as Chen Feng is in Yanjing, it may affect the life of ordinary people, which is not what Chen Feng thinks.

Soon, dial a hundred field wild telephone, the other side of the field appears very excited.

"Chen Feng? It's you. That's great. I'll wait until you call. "

After several months, he called Baidi Shangye for the first time after the plane crash. He felt that his old friends were gathering. However, he heard the strange flavor of Baidi Shangye's words.

He was keen to hear that although Baidi Shangye was happy, at the beginning, he was a little surprised. This is not what friends who haven't met for a long time should have.

Friends who haven't seen each other for a long time should be an unexpected surprise, but Chen Feng can't feel it at all.

This reminds him of the Spring Festival, Baidi Shangye in addition to a "happy new year, my friend", and then silent.

Before that, Baidi Shangye would send text messages every month.

What happened to the Baidi family?

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