When Uncle Rong said this, his face was still very calm, but the crew around were young people who graduated from Maritime College, and the captain looked at him with a look of expectation.

Last year's events caused a great shock in the industry.

Therefore, at that time, many crew members chose to give up navigation because of fear and fear.

However, rumors are rumors after all. Even if the crew members who are scared to death don't talk about it or even don't know what's going on, as long as they are sailors, as long as they are ships sailing for Northeast Asia Trade in the East China Sea or the Yellow Sea, no one is not worried.

What a terrible thing that is?

In a moment, all the crew members were unconscious.

"Uncle Rong, tell us about it! What happened then? It's said that I met some monster? Or a whirlpool like the Bermuda Triangle? "

As expected, the newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and another young man said.

Uncle Rong looked at them, shook his head, and his eyes showed a kind of fear. He said, "you are still too young. If you were present at that time, you might have been scared to urinate. If I hadn't been lost in the sea of Toyo because of the storm and the crew, I would not have believed what I had seen... "

Rong Shu immediately recalled some of his own experiences.

At that time, because of the storm on the sea, his ships were all broken, and all the crew members were floating on the sea. At that time, he was given a long time by several people who could walk on the sea!

Although he was confused at that time, he also heard what they said.

At that time, some people objected to save uncle Rong, but others suggested that we should not let go of death.

At that time, although he was in a state of confusion, he still heard the words of "Yin Yang division" in the population.

Of course, uncle Rong has never heard of any yin-yang master, but he remembered it for no reason.

He thought it was a lifesaver, so he went to Toyo to look up a lot of information, and finally he found some clues.

It turns out that the so-called yin-yang master is a kind of identity similar to the ancient Chinese sacrificial master!

Therefore, last year's voyage, Rong uncle seems to have seen the people and things he dreams of.

He is more excited, because he knows that the legendary Yin and Yang masters really exist!

Legend, it is true that ancient Chinese magic is said!

"Uncle Rong, don't play tricks? Come on. "

Rong uncle still slowly leisurely, shook his head, said: "you just need to know, we stay here, will be safe. I only blame the rich man for his bad luck. I met such a situation when I went to sea for the first time. "

The crowd was still in a fog, but at this moment, the whole freighter suddenly vibrated, and all the crew members stood up and were shocked.

"What happened?"

Above deck.

At this time, it was ten minutes in the evening. The setting sun reflected the whole deck, as if it were a beautiful oil painting.

On the deck, there are only Chen Feng and Narita Nakajima, but the latter seems to be enjoying the beauty of the sea. It seems that it is the first time to see such a beautiful setting sun and sea water in the same color.

Su Sheng, Gao Zhaojie and fan Zhihong are standing behind Chen Feng with a heavy face.

Chen Feng, with his hands on his back, stood in the wind at the end of the deck, his short hair fluttering, and he had a natural and unrestrained posture.

At this time, he is closing his eyes, the next moment, his eyes open, a flash of green light, gently said: "come?"

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