Su Sheng and they are all nervous when they hear Chen Feng say so.

Nakajima pomelo began to feel puzzled, isn't the sunset very good? Why do they seem to have something important to come?

At this moment, the whole freighter suddenly vibrated, and then it seemed that something was suddenly pulled, and the driving force of navigation was immediately stopped.

Several people's bodies shook for a moment, almost standing on the deck is unstable, Narita Nakajima is an ordinary modern college students, how to encounter such a thing.

"What happened? Mr. Su, did you come across a reef Nakajima said.


It is almost impossible to encounter reefs. They have sailed these routes for many times. Moreover, they do not enter the islands and talk about how there are hidden reefs.

It is still the setting sun in the west, but Chen Feng's eyes are filled with a touch of essence.

But his eyes were not at the front, but under the sea.

On the sparkling water, there was no big wave, but Chen Feng was very interested in saying: "I thought the frontal attack, did not want to come to this."

We must know that Chen Feng has opened his eyes to the sky at the very beginning. He can see through the night, the hazy environment and even the walls as long as he wants to.

And now, his eyes, straight under the sea floor.

He saw that tens of meters below the sea, there were countless reefs surging from all directions, and then firmly absorbed under the bed.

Needless to say, Chen Feng knew that the rocks and reefs were absorbed under the propeller, which cut off the power of the whole freighter.

At the same time, it can also prevent the cargo ship from suddenly returning or turning other directions.

After all, according to Su Sheng's description and Baidi Shangye's narration, since these Yin and Yang masters have fallen to the point of being Pirates, but they don't kill people, that is, they hardly use big boats to go to sea.

In this case, the small boat must be afraid of the big ship. If the cargo ship was loaded directly, it would be a total annihilation?

In this way, it is the best way to cut off the power of the freighter and hinder the progress of the freighter.

In this case, Chen Feng can think of a lot of things.

Before, he thought that these pirates would not have such a large-scale cargo ship to rob goods. Now it seems to confirm his idea.

"Master Chen, now..." Gao Zhaojie was sweating and worried.

Chen Feng said: "the propeller has been blocked by the reef and can't go now."

"I can't leave!"

Fan Zhihong was surprised and said, "isn't it waiting for them to rob these goods?"

Su Sheng said in a deep voice: "calm down, there will be no problem with master Chen."

Perhaps in panic, they completely forgot that there was a god like Chen Feng.

But after listening to Narita Nakajima, smart she felt confused at the same time, is more panic.

"Mr. Su, what do you mean by that? Is someone going to rob the ship? Is it a pirate Narita Nakajima finally no longer indulged in the beautiful sunset just now, suddenly some panic.

If it's really pirates, it's really dangerous!

After all, pirates have been prevalent in the waters around Toyo since the beginning of the decade!

Chen Feng light way: "Lizi, you will see what, hear what, do not be surprised, I am in, everything can protect you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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