"The true one!"

When Nakajima heard these three words, she changed her color on the spot. Looking at Chen Feng, her big eyes were as shocked as seeing Shisong walking on the sea.

"He's actually a Chinese cultivator!"

If she is aware of this idea by Chen Feng, then Chen Feng will be surprised.

Of course, Narita Nakajima is still rational and professional. She adjusted herself and translated Shi Song's words.

Chen Feng just a smile, no affirmation, no negative meaning.

"It doesn't matter whether I am a monk or not. Since you dare to come here half a night, it proves that you want our goods very much. I know you're not the leader. Let your leader come out. " Chen Feng is simple and straightforward, no muddle.

And he didn't say his purpose.

In fact, Chen Feng just wants to get to know these so-called Yin and Yang masters. He has no other purpose.

Of course, he would not be kind enough to say that he could help them. Maybe Chen Feng has this ability, but Chen Feng is not a great saint. He certainly won't say so.

What Chen Feng doesn't know is that the so-called leader in his mouth is actually the successor of yin and Yang masters, which is deeply rooted in their minds and even revered than the ancient oriental kingdom!

What's more, the leader in Chen Feng's mouth is Xiren. How could Shi Song Let Chen Feng see Xiren?

"Chinese people, I know you are very good, but you look down on our Yin and Yang masters!" Shi Song said with a sneer

Chen Feng chuckled: "I don't mean to look down on you. In fact, you are a branch of the Guigu road in China. In front of me, I know all your skills. "

Narita Nakajima was stunned. Of course, it was difficult to translate this, because some ancient Chinese things were involved in it.

But she was surprised by Chen Feng's arrogant tone.

Because she knows that, whether it is for these noble Yin and Yang masters, or for ordinary people, such words are very hurtful and despise people!

Narita Nakajima hesitated, because if she translated directly, then she would definitely annoy Shisong!

Su Sheng and they all know that Chen Feng is not a arrogant person. Chen Feng's arrogance has capital.

Their original fear immediately disappeared, and the boldness of fan Zhihong's northern Han and ancestral Warlord's generosity was immediately revealed.

Fan Zhihong yelled, "translate directly! Is he not a so-called Yin and Yang master, but a branch of Taoism in China, and he dares to rob his family. I really don't know how to write a dead word? "

Nakajima's face hesitated. Shi song was not stupid. He thought highly of his yin-yang teacher's dignity and reputation. If they were not forced by life, how could they have done this kind of unworthy business?

For the sake of the Yin and Yang master, he could not even live.

"What are they talking about?" Ishimatsu stares at Nakajima pomelo coldly.

The latter bit his teeth and translated it straight.

Sure enough, Shisong was furious when he heard it. He said angrily: "boy, you will pay for what you say! Now, let's show you the power of my Yin Yang master! "

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