As soon as Shisong's voice fell, he murmured to himself. Then he waved to clean up. His hands were empty and lifted. Suddenly, several pieces of reef stones as big as one meter were suspended under the sea water.

Su Sheng and fan Zhihong were shocked. Su Sheng said, "go back!"

Then they retreated to the edge.

Looking at this hand, Chen Feng nodded slightly and said, "yes, it is true that there is a shadow of the cultivation method in it. This should be your Yin Yang master's means of controlling things? "

What Chen Feng doesn't know is that this means of controlling objects is actually one of the so-called "Yang Ling Shu", including the control of sea water by Shisong.

In the ancient oriental Kingdom, the Yin and Yang masters were worshipped by means of controlling objects.

The powerful Yin and Yang masters control things, even violent wind, rainstorm, and even control people!

Therefore, this is the basis for the survival of yin and Yang masters, just their pride.

Because of this, he was angry to hear that Chen Feng insulted their yin-yang teacher.

In the distance, Zhongdao pomelo is still translated.

Hearing this, Shi Song sneered and said, "Chinese people, I didn't expect you know a lot. This is our Yang spirit skill. If you have real ability, you can take it out. "

This sentence, do not wait for Zhongdao Youli to translate, Chen Feng laughs, he seems to have guessed the provocative words of Shisong.

"As you wish!"

Chen Feng immediately is to urge the spiritual power in the sea of Qi. With a move of his mind, he slapped the stone pine in the past.

Shi Song didn't expect that Chen Feng would take the lead, but he just gave a cold hum and a move. The five and a half man high reef was smashed towards Chen Fengfei.

Every reef, a few of them are as heavy as hundreds of men. If they are hit hard, people will become meat sauce.

After a while, an invisible big palm suddenly appeared, covering several meters, and suddenly it was slapping down.

This palm is just like a big pukui fan. One blow is enough to blow down a mountain.

But Chen Feng is not a pukui fan, he is a small Tathagata God palm.


Five big stones were smashed by Chen Feng in an instant. Countless of them fell on the deck at any time. The sound of "tick tock" was like the heavy rain hitting the banana leaves.


Shisong is surprised, but he doesn't say it's him. The second time he sees Chen Feng, Nakajima's pomelo, is also shocked.

Su Sheng they have seen Chen Feng's hand, so they have psychological preparation, but they are still shocked by Chen Feng's hand.

The hand was not sent out, as if there was some force to break the gravel.

If you kill people, isn't it possible to kill a person with one slap?

They recollected what they had seen in Donghai town at that time, and they felt chilly.

What is god man? This is the real god man!

"Well, I'm not used to looking up at people. Get down here!"

Shisong stands on the water and reaches a height of 10 meters on the deck. Chen Feng grabs it with one hand. This time, the spirit power of Qihai rushes forward like a super big hand and catches it on the spot.

Shi Song's pupil shrinks. He even feels that he is bound by something and suffocates.

Chen Feng didn't want to have a real relationship with Shi Song at all, because Shi Song's cultivation was so low that he couldn't even reach the level of land master. How could he be interested?

Shisong is surprised and wants to run away, but Chen Feng is faster than him and has already locked him in.


The invisible hand grabbed Shisong and broke the sea water under his feet. Shisong was severely beaten on the deck, dizzy and nearly fainted.

Su Sheng and others were stunned.

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