Hearing this from the crowd, I saw the face of tree Yi for the first time, but there was a cool color, obviously with a contemptuous attitude.

The young man next to him was surprised and asked, "have you heard of this master Chen?"

Because their yin and Yang masters have been dealing with internal affairs for the past two years, and they have to move and so on. So even though they are very close to China, they have no idea about master Chen.

At first, he said faintly: "what master Chen is just a martial arts practitioner who is similar to moderate tolerance and can't even endure. In front of me, it's like a child. "

The young man couldn't help asking, "is this really the case?"

Seeing the young man beside him for the first time, he said with a smile: "you don't know? Donghai town has an underground arena every year to decide the sea route. Hehe, if it wasn't for you, I'm afraid your people would not be pirates, would they? "

Thinking of this, the young man suddenly realized.

"Hum! It's a pity that these indomitable guys, especially that Xiren, should be the leader. They will only drag our yin-yang division into hell. "

"But that's good. Every year, they will exchange a large amount of money for us. It is also a good thing that I can see the secular group of my family grow stronger. But it's hard for your people. " Finish saying, see tree righteousness for the first time still is face calm.

"These people don't have a long-term vision. Even if they die, they will make sacrifices for the inheritance of our master of yin and Yang. The God of yin and Yang will not blame us."

The first time I saw a tree Yi smile, and did not speak, but in the heart of this young man sniff.

For their own people's names can be treated with such a cold attitude, these opposition Yin and Yang division is really not a good bird.

Fortunately, they are now working with their own families and relying on their own families. When the time comes, when they have developed a powerful ninja, they will kick them away. They have seen their families for the first time. On the way of growing up, they are not allowed to share a share of the power with other forces.

How can he know that the young man next to him thinks so.

"Hum! You Ninja family just want to use our power. Do you really think our yin-yang skill is so easy to teach you? How can it be easily given to you without paying a price? Even if it is given, it is impossible to teach it completely. "

The other side is not aware of each other, who is born.

"By the way, someone should have sent money to me these two days? There's nothing going on there? "

The young man shook his head and said, "No. According to the time, they should have sent money to replace them today. What happened? "

The young man was not worried about what happened to Xiren. He was surprised that Xiren's Yin and Yang divisions were powerful. Even the Navy, they had a way to avoid the past.

Unless it's something powerful.

But in the sea, what strong master, even Xiren they are afraid of? He really can't imagine.

"No matter whether there are accidents or not, if they want people, they should take money, unless they hand over the position of the son of yin and Yang. Isn't that what you want?" The first tree Yi said lightly.

The young man nodded and was about to open his mouth when he saw a strange face coming towards them.

His face is startled, intuition tells him, this person, very dangerous!

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