Obviously, he also noticed a figure coming towards them.

Although he was also wearing a suit, his face was somewhat different from that of his Japanese counterparts. On the contrary, he was more like a member of other countries, such as China.

And the first time I saw a tree Yi and the young people next to him, it was obvious that he felt a different breath from this young man.

The breath feels too like ordinary people, not as obscure as their ninja, but there is an unusual difference between them and ordinary people.

Who is not Chen Feng who is coming towards them?

"Where is Qiyue for the first time?"

Chen Feng first came up, is to use the Oriental Language to see the tree Yi said.

His learning ability is very strong, especially the memory ability, basically one night time, already knew the Oriental Language.

Chen Feng's direct dialogue, however, is the first to see a tree.

Although Chen Feng's voice is not big, he diffuses it with spiritual power. The sound covers the whole hall. In an instant, everyone is quiet and looks at Chen Feng.

"Who is he?"

"It seems that it's not from Japan, but from foreigners?"

But the crowd is a little surprised, here are all Ninja people, how can there be foreign people appear?

According to the truth, this dance of meeting the family for the first time will not invite people from other countries.


The moment I saw Chen Feng at the first sight of Heyi, such an idea popped out of my head.

He has seen too many Chinese people. He must have used some means to enter here. Is it his brother's enemy?

But it's not right! When they first meet their families, they usually don't go to China, and they don't want to provoke those super talented people in China.

Although he was young, he was also the second leader of his family. He snorted coldly and said, "who are you? We didn't seem to invite you."

The invitation letter's person, is through him and the first time sees the month to have the goal, appears such an unidentified person, how can he not ask clearly?

People go to the moment is quiet down.

These Ninja representatives looked at each other, very puzzled, who is this person?

Why is it here?

Are you here to make trouble?

But all of them are masters. Foreign super powers come in to make trouble. What is it?

Soon, there are the first to see the family close.

"Who are you? Please show me your invitation. "

At this time, Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi finally arrived. Seeing the two men for the first time, he suddenly became cold and said, "Shangye, are you bringing this person in? Do you dare to ignore the rules of my first family? "

When they saw Baidi Shangye, they were surprised. At the same time, they were also frowning secretly. However, there was a kind of strangeness in the hearts of those who attached to the service department family.

Is it hard to find a foreign superpower to demolish the field?

Baidi Shangye's face is not very good-looking. How can he say that he is the head of the Baidi family? Now he is scolded by a person who is even younger than himself.

And at this time, Chen Feng did not nonsense, directly toward the first tree Yi came.

On the way, there were four or five new family members who wanted to stop them. They were all slapped by Chen Feng.

In that way, it was like killing a mosquito at random, and all four or five people flew out upside down.

This time, the audience how to get up, this person is really troublemaker!

First saw the tree righteousness is indeed a side wizard, he is not surprised not angry, staring at Chen Feng.

"What do you want?"

Chen Feng calm way: "I and see Qiyue some personal resentment, let him come out to see me."

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