This is the second time Chen Feng said the first four words Qiyue, for a time, the audience was shocked.

The dance was held by the first meeting family, and Qiyue was the next head of the mansion.

This man stepped on the door and said that he wanted to see Qiyue for the first time. He was bold enough to let him meet him. This man is really a big man!

The young man next to the tree Yi is also squinting at Chen Feng, as if to find a clue from this young man.

After a long time, he seemed more surprised.

At this time, a middle-aged man came over. He was in charge of the temple. He was one of the moderate ninjas.

His strength, the degree of tolerance.

As soon as he stood up, he had a breath of not being angry but powerful.

"Sir, what family are you from? Do you have an invitation? What is the purpose of your coming here? "

The cultivation of this middle-aged man can be ranked among the people present. The strength of Shangren tolerance is only second to that of the first tree righteousness.

And he obviously can see that Chen Fenggang just shot the scene of a few people, which is really not comparable to ordinary people.


Chen Feng's eyes did not look at this person, but also raised a slap.


This time, Chen Feng is a little bit real, he slapped this person to the ground, the middle-aged face on the high swelling, mouth was sucked rotten, on the spot is fainting in the past.

The whole audience suddenly a dead silence, even see the tree Yi and the young people next to the face moved.

Just now, the middle-aged man's strength is the degree of tolerance. Although he is not the most powerful in the ninja world, he can be regarded as a strong one even if he is placed in the three big Ninja families. However, such a strong man is photographed and fainted on the spot. This is absolutely a terrible strength.

The strength of the middle-aged man just now is equivalent to the master of human environment. In Chen Feng's opinion, it is as easy and simple as killing an ant to crush himself.

"You How dare you hit him? " A man was speechless.

Chen Feng looked at people and said, "if you talk nonsense again, I will kill you."

The man immediately shrunk his neck and did not dare to speak.

And Chen Feng's words seem relaxed and calm, but that kind of killing intention makes all the people present feel a kind of chilling smell inside.

Chen Feng's face did not change color, looked to see tree righteousness for the first time, asked for the third time: "where is the first Qiyue?"

Baidi Shangye and Baidi Zhenzhi's face changed instantly. They couldn't stop Chen Feng from doing anything, but they didn't expect that Chen Feng would do it directly!

This is the territory of the new family. There are some Ninja experts here. If you look around, there are already many people. If Chen Feng has any trouble, they will kill Chen Feng together!

But at this point, what else can they do?

There's nothing that can be done at all.

Or shrink now?

If you shrink back, how can you give up when you first see a tree?

Chen Feng, what are you thinking? Baishimono was very anxious.

The first time I saw him, he knew that this was his own territory, so he didn't panic at all. Instead, he was calm and calm, staring at Chen Feng and coldly saying, "if I guess right, you are a martial arts practitioner of China."


"The cultivator of China!"

People were shocked. How could Chinese martial arts practitioners come here!

Chen Feng light way: "good, I am still the master Chen in your mouth just now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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