In addition, the direct look in the eyes of Li Anze is very strong.

Zhu Ning's eyes are very dignified. This ghost killing fist is also a master of boxing skills in the underworld. He kills people without blinking an eye, and every battle must be a death fight.

Therefore, both Jin Zhiyuan and Jin GuoZhe in the same vein of boxing skills are the existence of extremely strong fighting spirit, and even the posture of having to win.

Zhu Ning did not contact them, so he did not know how strong their fighting spirit was.

This ghost killing fist is said to have reached the level of Zhenwu master, which is a very difficult existence.

Think of here, Zhu Ning deep voice said: "Chen Feng is not here, you want to find me."

Qin Yinglong was shocked and his feet were shaking.

He is no longer the kind of big man in the underground world at the beginning. He now knows that in addition to the secular world, there is Chen Feng, who can fly away from the earth, master magical skills and kill people quietly.

Therefore, the more contact, he will feel.

This ghost killing fist is better than Zhu Ning. I don't know how much. Isn't Zhu Ning looking for death?

Li Anze calm face, calm way: "not here, I will go in to find."

As a matter of fact, Li Anze saw Zhu Ning's strength as soon as he arrived. It was just the level of the warrior in the realm of creation. He could be stabbed to death with one finger.

On the other hand, according to Li Anze's idea, since the martial arts master named Chen Feng is so powerful, and one person kills three masters at the level of Tianjing master, he will certainly not be a coward.

Either they look down on themselves and choose to hide in it; or they want to try his strength.

The group of fighting technicians in the underworld is a group of superpowers who are very important to victory and strength.

The existence of ghost killing fist has to be traced here from all walks of life. It can be imagined that his battle is inevitable.

Li Anze has no nonsense at all. He just continues to walk forward.

As soon as Zhu Ning bit his teeth, Li Anze did not give up!

There is no way, Zhu Ning can only respond to the war.

With a big drink, his spiritual power broke out between his muscles, and his temples rose high and high. He also inflated his body muscles by three points because of the excessive stimulation of his Qi. He immediately threw himself at Li Anze.

Li Anze still follows his own pace to walk, and Zhu Ning is like a tiger, a blow is to hit.


The sound of gas explosion sounded, and it was obvious that Zhu Ning was also urged to his strongest strength.

He knew that Chen Feng must have been thinking of a way to make the five Yindi Sha array urge out, but before Chen Feng came, he had to delay things or do something, even if it was to fight for time for Chen Feng with his life, he also had to do so.

But who knows, Zhu Ning's fist, until it hit Li Anze's chest, only heard a "click" sound, Zhu Ning's pupil shrank, the whole fist was broken the same.

Li Anze did not move. His posture was like an ancient pine. Qin Yinglong was frightened.


Li Anze's one punch is to swing out, that fist does not have any rules, so straight hit up, Zhu Ning is a punch was put on the face.

With a click, half of his face was broken, and the whole person hit dozens of meters away.

Qin Yinglong's legs trembled with fear. Is this man too terrible?

When will Chen Feng arrive!?

And Li Anze, from the beginning to the end, did not look at Zhu Ning.

But at this time, Li Anze finally found that not far in front of him, there was a long strip-shaped thing.

Then, a strange scene appeared. The long strip-shaped thing like a board actually cooled a piece of white light, and then a voice sounded --

"ghost kill boxing, you just want to find me, why bother the younger generation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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