Li Anze's face was awe inspiring, staring at the long strip.

When Qin Yinglong heard Chen Feng's voice, his soul would like to be scattered.

Chen Feng? Where is Chen Feng?

Then he gazed at the white light of the order, and did not feel numb in his back.

Although has already had the psychological preparation, but this also too Arabian Night!

Chen Feng is in Toyo now! How did his voice come from!?

Zhu Ning was almost in a coma, but he managed to get up with a surprise in his eyes.

Li Anze stopped and stared at the order.

If he is not shocked, it is impossible.

However, he thought of the thousands of years of history of China with vast territory and abundant resources. In addition to the practitioners of martial arts and Taoism, there are also so-called true practitioners in this country. These are all very terrible groups.

As a country in Northeast Asia, the gods of the practitioners are extraordinary. Of course, he has heard of it.

Flying in the sky and escaping from the earth, transmitting sound from thousands of miles, immortality and so on are beyond their imagination.

Is this man also a practitioner?

But since Li Anze is here, naturally there is no reason to be afraid.

And even the so-called cultivator, in his opinion, can kill three experts in the world's super power organization, but not necessarily can kill him.

Because he asked himself, if he faced the green tiger and Jin GuoZhe, he had the ability to kill them.

Moreover, he was not at the scene at that time, and he would not completely believe what people in the underground world said about master Chen.

On the other hand, the more powerful he is, the more he needs to see it. How can he say that one of the two masters in his boxing skills was seriously injured and the other was killed on the spot. How could they not recover this face?

"Are you Chen Feng? Come out and fight me. " Li Anze said coldly.

"Ghost kill fist, you break into my villa at night, are you going to leave your life here?" Chen Feng's voice sounded again, but he didn't have too many emotional fluctuations, which made him calm and abnormal.

Villa is his habitat, but also his retreat place. Who is willing to be disturbed by others?

In fact, if Jin GuoZhe was not killed by Chen Feng, how could GUI Sha Quan come here?

In other words, since it is revenge, Chen Feng will not keep his hand.

Li Anze sneered: "you are too confident, you dare not come out, is it because you are afraid of me?"

Chen Feng's voice rang out: "I don't say so much with you, I only say once, leave now, otherwise, die!"

Chen Fengyuan is on top of Dongyang country thousands of miles away. He uses the magic tool of the order sign, and then through his mind, let Hei Wuchang bring the order sign back here. This requires extremely strong spiritual strength.

That is to say, with Chen Feng's present state, even with the help of ghost tools, it is not the same as casting a spell in a villa.

This kind of spiritual consumption thousands of miles away is extremely terrible, and now Chen Feng's soul consciousness is still very weak, and has not reached the level of coverage.

After all, at the stage of Qihai state, more of them began to condense and store spiritual power. The other door methods of God consciousness breaking away from the shell were very far away.

Li Anze laughed angrily and said, "boy, you are really fierce! Do you think you can send me away? If you don't come out, I'll destroy your place! "

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