It is necessary to say that the vibration of this fist by Li Anze is really shocking.

What to say, ghost kill boxing, are not the wave of fame!

And we should know that the fight technician is a group of super capable people who take the fist and foot as the main type of attack with great attack amplitude.

Is the power and vibration produced by this extreme state of compression imaginable?

Li Anze's extreme Qi boxing, which is to compress the air of hundreds of meters around the square to a range, which is to focus on the boxing in a target, is the killer mace of ghost boxing.

Li Anze has used his power for decades to deal with Chen Feng.

This kind of war like land, this even the dead are not afraid of the guy, really is to fight as hard as possible.

Why not sound when his fist vibrates? It's just twice the sound!

That kind of terror vibration, a space is to give vibration distortion to produce a piece of water.

In this vacuum zone, any ant is destroyed into molecular dust, which is the green hell tiger that can be crazy blood vein into the inside, and will become meat sauce.

This kind of air cannon like boxing style shaking the earth has long left Zhu Ning forget his injury. Qin Yinglong seems to be in the center of World War II, waiting for him, only death.

But Chen Feng is still calm, his face is still calm as water.

Chen Feng's eyes fluctuated a little, but he was still calm.

In Chen Feng's view, the boxing skill of the Ming Fu is really characteristic.

Li Anze can burst out such a degree, in fact, let Chen Feng see the strength of the real martial arts master level.

In fact, Chen Feng did not know the difference between the levels of Zhenwu and Tianjing.

Even in the face of the first meeting of the village, Chen Feng is still very dissatisfied.

The power level of Zhongcun at first sight is more like heaven and earth magic in Taoism. Only when it is integrated into the tolerance of the East Asian countries, it has evolved into a skill called ninja.

But Chen Feng always entered the road with martial arts. What he cared more about was the pleasure of the impact brought by the strength of the body.

Plus, although the first sight of the village is stronger than the existence of the green hell tiger, but carefully thinking about it, it is not very strong.

And this Li Anze, is more powerful than the first time saw the village.

At least, in the wave of this shocking attack, it is similar to the martial arts.

"Since you take war as your strength, I will make you die a little bit more happy, the second type of great real martial arts, meteor hammer moon!"

Chen Feng's voice fell, and the teacup suddenly grasped his fist. His light burst out of the light, and then gathered on his fist like a hundred rivers.

The fist, like a whirlpool from the void, was under the huge body of the divine tea, and hit the past hard.


A ripple vibrates and the meteor hammer and the moon punch is driven by the force of the Yin evil force of the divine tea. The terrible death killing machine is covered, and makes Li Anze seem to be in a hell world of gloom, death and fear.

"How can I..."

Li Anze was shocked, and this atmosphere was covered by this breath, which he had never met at all.

The reason why the underworld becomes the underworld is a battle skill, which is to understand this kind of fighting skill from death from the battle.

So the fighter technician is basically in the dark world, just like the world and the world isolated from the world, so there will be a hell.

But even in their underworld, unless one or two of them were perverted by God, it would not give him such a feeling.

But when he knew it all, it was late , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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