
An earth shaking explosion resounded throughout the villa. The sound, like a missile suddenly exploded, was extremely terrifying.

The attack of Li Anze's Jiqi fist was suddenly broken, and the ripples came out in waves, which turned into hurricanes and swept in all directions.

Once again, Zhu Ning and Qin Yinglong were blown away by the strong wind tens of meters away.

The grass and trees around the villa are all raised and spread towards the surrounding area.

If it is normal, even the villa will be destroyed, but when the ripple vibration of this energy touches the villa, the whole villa is flowing with a kind of crystal light. From a distance, it looks like a transparent energy cover, as if all the energy vibration is lived.

But Li Anze, between the pupil shrinks, simply can't avoid, because he is the center of the energy collision point.


He just screamed, and his whole body was hit and flew 300 meters away on the spot.

The half mountain villa was originally built on the mountain. It can only go up the mountain from below. The plain before the villa is only one or two hundred meters away. If Li Anze was blown away like this, he could only go up the side of the road below the middle of the mountain. The mountain is high, and there is a full distance of hundreds of meters.

According to the state of Lee Anze at that time, he could not survive at all.

After a long time, the villa in the middle of the mountain finally recovered its calm. The figure of the shining tea was immediately in the air. It was extraordinary and powerful.

Zhu Ning struggled to get up, and his face was unbelievable. Qin Yinglong felt much worse. He was hit twice, and the second time made his head get confused.

"No one will disturb me for a short time. I'll probably come back after a period of time to get well healed."

After leaving a sentence from Chen Feng, Shenda disappeared.

And the order is still inserted on the ground.

On the other side.

Li Anze secretly crossed the border defense on the border, evaded the surveillance of the army door with one eye open and one eye closed, and came to Yanjing from Northeast China to seek revenge on Chen Feng. This matter has long been a thorn in the sky.

Everyone in the underworld knows that even the underground world has been staring at this. As for the kingdom of China, junmen and Wudao families are also focusing on this place.

You know, Li Anze can find Chen Feng's residence. How can a powerful family not be found in China?

As far as the army is concerned, the information they have mastered is the biggest. From Hua Yuan, the general, he has already left a file for Chen Feng.

There is also the Huajia side, because of the relationship between Hua Yuan and Chen Feng, naturally they have caught him. If you want to find out about Su in the middle of the mountain, it is just a small matter.

Therefore, the underground intelligence world stationed in Yanjing by all countries in the world, when they knew that Li Anze was heading for the villa in the middle of the mountain, they had already flocked forward in that direction.

However, their movement speed is not as fast as that of Lee Anze, but when they are on the road, they have heard the huge vibration sound from the middle of the mountain.

It was a great surprise to them, as expected.

In other words, the whole world is waiting for the intelligence of this battle!

"Has it begun?"

"Who will win this war? Can the master named Chen Feng survive in the end

Dozens of super powers from underground intelligence organizations were preparing to plunder toward the mountain, but at this moment, suddenly, there was a sense of earthquake.


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