On the way, Chen Feng has doubts, that is, when Baidi qianxia is playing outside, why is there such a force in his body?

Because he knew that this power could never be a genetic factor.

Since it's not genetic, there must be something unexpected.

That's what he had been thinking about just now.

Why does this force appear in the body of a hundred places and thousands of summer? Isn't that strange?

Baidi Shangye laughed bitterly and shook his head: "Chen Feng, to tell the truth, we have thought about this problem for a long time. We have also listed a lot of possibilities. The only acceptable one is that when I was a child in qianxia, something must have happened. "

Baidi Zhenzhi also nodded: "yes. At that time, several people who accompanied miss qianxia secretly were killed for no reason. We knew that the matter was not simple. But when we asked Miss qianxia, she didn't have a clue. And she was too young to remember. At that time, the Lord of the mansion did not want miss qianxia to be further stimulated, so he was forbidden to discuss this matter. "

"But we have investigated the place where the accident happened nearby in the dark Department, and we have found traces of human activities," baidituo said

Chen Feng eyebrows a frown, way: "do you mean artificial?"

Baidituo shook his head and said, "there is only one possibility. Because the dead are all killed. "

Xiren thought about it and said, "there is only one possibility. It is someone who got the story of this period of history, and then sealed this monster into qianxia sister's body. "

"No," baldito denied, "to get this historical story, only a very old family can do it. I also found it in some very old books. But the problem is that the power in qianxia's body is not the monster's, but the power of the monster. "

This again let a hundred field wild they feel puzzled, what is the meaning of this sentence?

But Chen Feng understood, and said: "it is qianxia's body is just a kind of monster with relationship power, but it is not a monster. Because the monster has been sealed, is that right? "

Baidituo nodded and said, "good. According to the ancient books I have read, these five monsters are all in some remote places, where no one can find them. "

Xiren thought about it and said, "it seems like this. I heard some parents say that these five monsters are too terrible. They can only be separated seals, and they have to be far away from each other. In this way, the sense between them will be weak. It's not easy to get rid of the seal. "

In this way, the question comes again. Since that is said, what kind of situation is the internal strength of a hundred places and thousands of summers?

What did those ninjas do to protect Baixia? What's going on in this.

All this is a mystery. There are so many things that can't be explained.

All of a sudden, Chen Feng did not say a word. He turned his back to his eyes, as if he had penetrated into something. His eyes flashed out pieces of essence.

Xiren came up and asked, "is someone following us again?"

"Well," Chen Feng nodded, but then shook his head, "but disappeared again."

Xiren is shocked. He knows how terrifying and powerful the six senses of these Chinese practitioners are. Moreover, Chen Feng's strength is stronger than him. But Chen Feng all said that, which means that the people who monitor them are more powerful than Chen Feng?

How could that be possible!?

"If I guess right, this person has something to do with the power in qianxia's body."

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