Chen Feng directly came to such a conclusion.

And this conclusion, is not without a reason, is to give him the feeling, as well as Baidi qianxia before, after the state of view.

Since more than a decade ago, the force in Baidi qianxia's body was man-made, but now, more than a decade later, it bursts out again. Only water cares so much?

Absolutely as long as the originator at that time.

Another is that, since Chen Feng killed chujianzhong village, the first time he saw the family, the Fu family did not dare to shoot spies and intelligence agents to come to Baidi family for surveillance, and no one was willing to provoke the Chinese people who were almost like ghosts and gods.

But now?

Now some people dare to watch them, and among them there is Chen Feng.

Now who doesn't know that Chen Feng is in the Baidi family?

Countless Ninja intelligence personnel are staring at Chen Feng's every move. Those who dare to move on the ground are definitely not ordinary people.

Chen Feng said that, Baidi Shangye, Baidi Tuo, Xiren and others naturally thought of this.

Although they did not say so, they were still worried.

"Chen Feng, my sister's strength, will it break out again?"

Chen Feng said: "my seal has a year's time, unless affected by external factors..."

After that, Chen Feng's eyes twinkled again.

"External factors?"

Baidituo stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "that is to say, someone can arouse this force."

Baishimono got through at one point, his face changed wildly, and he said, "you mean, those people who watched us just now are likely to look for opportunities next time?"

Those who have intention, since lurking for more than ten years, will never give up so easily.

"What about that?" Baidi Zhenzhi asked anxiously.

The next time the seal of Baidi qianxia is opened, whether it is a year later or urged by some people with a heart, the result is the same, that is, no one can suppress it.

Baidi Zhenzhi naturally asked Chen Feng about this, because if Chen Feng was there, there would be no danger for the time being, but the problem is that Chen Feng can't always be there.

Baidi Shangye patted Baidi Zhenzhi on the shoulder and said solemnly, "Uncle Zhenzhi, Chen Feng can't help us all the time. He has his own business. What's more, he has done enough for us this time

Baishimono is a very rational and affectionate person.

This time, although Chen Feng's return is to solve the problem of first meeting Qiyue, but if it was not for Chen Feng, Baidi Wulang would make a big fuss in the family, and then the Baidi family would split up.

But now, Chen Feng once again helped them, sealed the power in the body of a hundred places and thousands of summer. Although it was only temporary, how could he ask others to do something?

Baidituo said: "miss qianxia, our dark part can be hidden, and basically no one can find it. As for a year later, we will also look for a way to seal it. "

Hundred field wild nodded, temporarily can only be like this.

Chen Feng looked back and said with a smile, "did you forget? Qianxia is also my sister. Although I said one year after the seal was sealed, I would have a better way. During this period, you can just look at her and tell me what's going on. "

Chen Feng's words moved Baidi Shangye's heart. What he was about to say, Chen Feng turned around first. His voice sounded over the whole Baidi family, just like a thunderbolt. What he said was Oriental Language -

"listen to the people outside, I don't care who you are. Qianxia is my sister. If you dare to make her decision, I will kill you


A hundred meters away from the Baidi family, there are two dark shadows in the grass.

"I will destroy you!"

The voice sounded over the whole Baidi family, which made the faces of two people a hundred meters away from the Baidi family.

"No, it was discovered by the Chinese."

"It must be reported! Let's go back and discuss! For a short time, don't go to the Baidi family. Let's go to the other four places first. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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