After home, Chen Feng chose, naturally, his own room.

Before the layout of the Lingfa, Chen Feng has already put forward a Fengshui array.

But the Fengshui array is more about finding dragon points, blessing Yin offspring, this wind water array, more changes the direction of the atmosphere in the room.

Chen Feng must ensure that the ferocious does not leak, so that can ensure that will not be found.

After all, with the improvement of cultivation, it is like the true martial arts master. Their sense of breath, even if they are gathered a kilometer away, can feel it, let alone the special group so sensitive to the evil spirit.

If, if it is discovered by such a high-level person or so-called immortal, what is the result?

Don't forget that last year, tangxiaoxuan was "robbed" in the village. No one knows where there will be such a crowd. Chen Feng can not guarantee it.

But what you should know is, here, but there are his family and friends who have played since childhood. This degree of caution is absolutely indisputable.

Chen Feng took a deep breath. His hand was moved, and the sword was suspended from the cloth. A fierce breath immediately spread out, and the whole room was full of a gloomy feeling.

"The spirit weapon and the weapon are similar. If you use it well, the weapon can also be turned into a spirit weapon." Chen Feng was silent in his heart.

This kind of ferocious spirit, such as that kind of fierce ghost, is the favorite, they can use the ferocious spirit to strengthen their cultivation.

But for the decent, they are naturally the most afraid.

Mo said now, even when Chen Feng was still called master of martial arts, he dared to catch the fierce ghost.

In a hurry, Chen Feng closed his eyes, and the sword began to plug in the ground. The surging black fog seemed to be the devil, and it was like eating Chen Feng.

Chen Feng bends to a bullet, four light and out, located in four corners of the room.

A white light was emitted from four corners, and it went towards the suspended hilt in the center, and gathered like a pyramid.

Then, the four lights were covered by a light curtain, covering the whole room of Chen Feng. The black ferocity, like any star, tried to escape, but no matter how they burst, they couldn't come out.

These ferocious gas knew that he could not come out, suddenly turned into a strange shape of a toothed and dancing claw, and rushed towards Chen Feng.

Yes, Chen Feng is in the boundary.

This array uses the anti spirit method. Chen Feng has a big eye and drinks: "good come!"

Chen Feng's palm was spinning, followed by a cyclone whirling wildly, and countless black fog gathered into his palm like cetacean.


Chen Feng once again drank, a palm, then Chen Feng jumped out, holding the whirlpool, and jumped up, and took a shot on the hilt.

A white light wrapped in black light, along the hilt, the sword tip, suddenly disappeared into the ground.

Yes, this is the anti spirit method, which leads the evil spirit out, and after the conversion of the anti spirit method, it is not entered into the array eye.

Then, the sword was directly inserted into the ground.

Then, the whole room was restored to peace, and a fresh feeling was enveloped the whole room.

Chen Feng, a joy, has become!

The whole process seems to be very fast, but that transformation requires a high degree of cohesion, so Chen Feng's breath is very weak at this time.

But who knows, Chen Feng is just ready to indulge in the joy, he Yu Guang found, one of the corners, there is a dark light hidden.

Chen Feng frowned.

"Bad, the room has been out of repair for a long time, and the corner has been mended, and a vicious spirit has been scattered underground."


And far away from dozens of kilometers, a figure can be seen sitting on the ground in a shabby room.

Then, the figure suddenly opened his eyes, flashing a touch of strange red light.

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