Yan Xiaoxiao takes a deep breath. She can't see through Chen Feng at this time.

When she was in Shenchuan, she was watching the battle between Chen Feng and Xing Zhifei. At that time, she even worried about Chen Feng's comfort and asked the old masters nearby to help Chen Feng.

But what happened?

Chen Feng killed Xing Zhifei and became famous throughout the southern martial arts circle. From then on, master Chen's name was spread.

But who knows, after Chen Feng went back to Yanjing, he made such a big noise in the East China Sea.

Master Chen killed two top martial arts masters, huadeshan and shaohefeng with one sword.

Shao Hefeng came to avenge his disciples. He asked master Chen to appear by name and surname. This person is not Chen Feng, but who is it?

The key is, Chen Feng also killed huadeshan, which is in the southern martial arts world_ Like the pillars of heaven.

It's not to say that the martial arts cultivation of Huade mountain is so universal. At least, its deterrent effect is not only in the south, but also in the three places on both sides of the Taiwan Strait radiated from the south.

The four generations of Yan family are all military families, or the first military family in the secular world. In terms of strategy, naturally, it can not be easily invaded by other people.

However, in the face of super powers, the Yan family is powerless. Although Yan Xiaoxiao is also a superman, she has more identity and responsibilities, which is the identity in the southern war zone.

Yan Xiaoxiao solemnly said, "Chen Feng, you should know what I'm here for."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "well."

Chen Feng said a word of "um". He immediately began to drink tea, as if he was indifferent. Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned and said in a rage: "Chen Feng, do you know what the consequences of what you do are!"

Chen Feng looked up at Yan Xiaoxiao. In his eyes, the indifference was like gazing at people's eyes in the abyss, with an expression of blood coagulation in calm.

"Are you blaming me?"

What kind of look is this!?

Yan Xiaoxiao suddenly felt his scalp numb. This man, however, was master Chen, a great genius!

I'm still so contradicted.

What Yan Xiaoxiao doesn't know is that if someone else dares to confront the famous master Chen, a slap from Chen Feng will be enough to kill him.

However, Chen Feng quickly took back his eyes and sipped his tea. He said faintly, "since I'm back, what are you afraid of?"

Yan Xiaoxiao is suddenly in a daze. What Chen Feng means by this is that he is sitting in the south when he comes back?

It seems to be a common sentence, but how confident and conceited it is?

Is this his inside story?

However, Yan Xiaoxiao still can't sit back and ignore her. She takes a deep breath to calm down her mood and solemnly says, "Chen Feng, this matter is not trivial. It's far from as simple as you think. We have received news that the army has opened its eyes and closed its eyes, allowing the south to fight internally, while other organizations of super powers will come one after another. Now the intelligence in the underground world is flying all over the sky. "

Yan Xiaoxiao looked very anxious.

Yes, the recent news of the arrival of super powers in the underworld has been overwhelming.

But even if I know, what can I do? The Yan family used modern armed forces. They could do nothing at all.

And their superior department, the army, is indifferent, which makes them feel more anxious.

Chen Feng calmly said: "the mind of the army gate, I have already known. As for the intelligence of the underground world that you said is flying all over the sky, it's just those super capable organizations who want to get involved."


Yan Xiaoxiao is more anxious. When is it? Can you be more serious! This is about the safety of the south!

"Well, if nothing happens, go back. I said, with me, there won't be a problem here. "

Yan Xiaoxiao was angry in his heart and immediately calmed down and said coldly, "hum, even if you don't, someone will do it."


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