In fact, a lot of things, Chen Feng does not need to tell outsiders what.

Just as he came back to the south, this is the best proof that he will not let the south go into chaos here.

However, he had already planned that he must guard the south here, even if it was not for the sake of national righteousness. As long as he had a little chance to endanger his family and friends, Chen Feng would never allow such a thing to happen.

According to Luo Zhenyang and he said, in the south, the only one who can get a hand is a person of the Chinese family who is nearly 90 years old. However, Luo Zhenyang said that Chen Feng did not care much about the same accomplishments as huadeshan.

Naturally, Chen Feng doesn't think that he is the first expert in the south. As long as someone can stand up, he still wants to fight. How relaxed he is.

Yan Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and asked, "have you heard of the southern Lu family?"

Chen Feng shakes his head, curious, there is a Lu family in the south?

He didn't know much about the Wudao family. He knew that the first Wudao family in the South was the Hua family.

Yan Xiaoxiao said: "in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Lu family was a big family with the same reputation as the Hua family. However, the Lu family always kept a low profile and later withdrew from the southern martial arts circle. The Hua family was called the first Wudao family. But the overall strength of the Lu family relative to the Chinese family is not inferior. "

"This time is the ninetieth birthday of Master Lu. He invited many martial arts experts from the south to come. It is said that he also invited the masters of the Chinese family to come out of the mountain. If I guess right, Master Lu wants to unite the southern martial arts circle and fight against the outside world."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "that's a good thing, that's not my business."

Yan Xiaodun blushed with anger. What does this guy think he is?

Do you really think that you are invincible in the world, and that everyone should bow to him?

Yan Xiaoxiao himself is also a super power, although the strength is not strong, but also know how powerful the world's super power.

Huadeshan has been able to dominate in the south for so many years. The most important thing is that people in the three places on both sides of the Straits fear the official background behind him.


Yanjing has no time to spare. Huadeshan is dead. Those who have the ability to challenge Huade mountain have not flocked to grab this piece of fat?

In other words, this time in the chaos in the south, there may be more powerful foreign enemies than Huade mountain. This guy thinks that he can kill Huade mountain and shaohefeng, and is he really invincible in the world?

Yan Xiaoxiao knows that Chen Feng is not simple. He has such cultivation ability at a young age, but he should not be so arrogant and conceited.

"Chen Feng! Do you really think you can't do without you in the south? " Yan Xiaoxiao said angrily.

She felt like a broken jar inside.

The other side is master Chen who controls the life and death of people. She just can't stand Chen Feng's arrogance!

Chen Feng and Yan Xiaoxiao could not see the same thing and said to himself: "well, you are right. Maybe there are many masters in the south, and I also want to see who can afford this beam."

"You..." Yan Xiaoxiao was so angry that he stamped his feet.

This guy's arrogant attitude is not reduced at all!

In fact, it's not Chen Feng's arrogance. On the one hand, Chen Feng hopes that he doesn't have to make a move, but on the other hand, he doesn't dare to be careless.

If the South really can't find a person who can bear the responsibility, is the south in danger?

He also knew that in the south this time, the people who came to the South might be even more powerful than those from Mount Wade.

Even if Chen Feng put himself very low, his heart can not completely sit back and ignore.

Yan Xiaoxiao changed his mind and snorted, "OK, in this case, I'll take you to the birthday of Master Lu." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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