In fact, Chen Feng is not interested in the top ten martial arts talents in China, but he has heard too much during this period.

And this and all, of course, is from Hua Wenxuan.

Hua Wenxuan is one of the top ten martial arts talents. In his early twenties, he was already the third chakra of Zhenwu.

To tell you the truth, Chen Feng has seen so many people practicing martial arts. He is really a genius at this age.

In fact, although Chen Feng has been in contact with many martial arts people, but at best, he is also from the contact of neijiaquan.

Strictly speaking, Neijia boxing is just a very low-level and even rudimentary branch of martial arts.

That is to say, only those who rely on strong mental skills and cooperate with Neijia boxing can be regarded as the mainstream martial arts family, just like the Yang family in Yanjing.

But the Yang family is only half a foot in the martial arts world, and is barely recognized.

Therefore, Chen Feng is not in contact with too many waves of martial arts circle of big family.

For example, the South China family, the cloud family, the Lu family; the East China Luo family; the North Guo family and so on, these are the martial arts big family.

In addition to these big families of martial arts, there are more powerful forces of martial arts that Chen Feng has not been exposed to, even the ancient family of Wudao. Those are the peak forces of the martial arts circle.

Therefore, he didn't know the so-called top ten martial arts talents, which was normal.

This is the time when people at this table noticed Chen Feng.

They are all representatives of the small families. The small families in the southern martial arts and Taoism circles are a group, and the big families are a group. They all know each other. They just ignored the existence of Chen Feng in the discussion just now.

Now hear Chen Feng so ask, a face of surprise.

Chen Feng's clothes are very ordinary. As soon as he sat down, he didn't speak. What he didn't know was that representative son of the pianyuan family.

But Chen Feng's breath is too common, just like ordinary people.

Chen Feng said with a smile: "I come down from the mountains, so I don't know what's going on here."

"Down the mountain, it is estimated that some retired families from the side courtyard mountain village. Unexpectedly, the Lu family even invited them." A young boy muttered.

Chen Feng listens in the ear, just smile.

The slightly older young man straightened up, with an air of fascination in his eyes, and said: "among the top three of the top ten martial arts talents in China, Zou Feipeng, Pei Jiancheng and Xiang Junmin are from low to high. All of them were under 30 years old, but they were very famous in the martial arts and Taoism circles, and their military force was even more powerful. "

" Oh? How open is it? " Chen Feng is suddenly interested.

He had already heard a lot about the so-called peak of martial arts in the battle against huadeshan and shaohefeng.

It was the first time that he heard of the so-called "force to heaven".

"Take this Zou Feipeng for example. He is 28 years old, but he is already the fifth chakra of Zhenwu. It is said that he once killed a Wudao villain in Zhenwu four chakras with one hand. At that time, he shocked the whole Wudao world. "

Chen Feng nods at the smell of speech. He is twenty-eight years old and has five chakras of Zhenwu.

"And the other two?" Chen Feng asked again.

The young man took a deep breath, and the fear and fascination in his eyes became more and more intense. The feeling was as if he wanted to throw himself into the ground. He said, "the other two..."

But just as he was about to open his mouth, a loud voice came from the door --

"here comes the Hua family!"

The whole audience was solemn and quiet, and the first martial arts family of Nanfan came!

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