But see a line of people fish through come in, each is a look of pride.

Of course, if you take a closer look, you can find that their forehead, is with a little dark clouds.

As everyone here knows, the death of Hua De Shan will have a great impact on the whole southern martial arts circle.

The first one, who looked like he was 70 years old, was very hale and hearty, and his hair was black.

Every step he took, there was a kind of pressure like a mountain, where no one dared to speak, only the feeling of suffocation.

This man is the uncle of Huade mountain, who is called Hua's golden talent.

Chen Feng is very interested in looking at this Huajin talent. Luo Zhenyang told him that the cultivation of huajincai is just like that of huadeshan. However, he is highly respected and has a high social network in the southern martial arts circle.

And Chen Feng under such an induction, heart secretly: "it seems that Luo Zhenyang's intelligence is not very accurate, this person should be the strength of Zhenwu four chakras."

Chen Feng, after all, is sitting at the door. The arrival of the Hua family is naturally the first to pass through his eyes and be sensed by him.

However, whether the so-called Chinese master is Zhenwu third chakra or Zhenwu fourth chakra, he doesn't care.

When he was still in the middle stage of Qihai state, he could kill two masters of Zhenwu four chakras, who urged them to the extreme. What about him now? He is already in the later stage of Qihai state and is about to break through the cultivation of Qihai state.

Chen Feng's Yu Guang noticed the young man beside Hua Jin Cai.

There was a strong and sharp air in the young man, and the whole man was like a restrained tiger.

Different from Lu Yunhao and Yun Jianbin, the martial arts genius present, the breath of this person is more of an introverted and low-key state, but there is a taste of abyss in it.

Such a martial arts genius has the level of Zhenwu three chakras.

Soon, many young children on the scene also responded and took a cold breath one after another.

"He was the first genius in the south, and he was one of the top ten martial arts talents in China, right?"

"I heard that he first broke through the realm of Zhenwu three chakras. It's terrible!"

"I'm afraid that the death of the Chinese family leader will stimulate him a lot?"

The arrival of Hua Wenxuan immediately attracted the attention of all the young people present.

But Lu Yunhao and Yun Jianbin's eyes suddenly appeared a touch of essence.

Lu Dingjiang is a quick step forward, quickly arch hand way: "Uncle Jin Cai, the presence of the Dingjiang lost far welcome."

Hua Jin Cai is one of the strongest in the old generation of Nanshan, and he is a great master with the same reputation as Lu Fuan.

On the face of it, huadeshan is the first expert of Nanshan. That's when Lu Fuan and Hua Jincai retreated behind the scenes.

In addition, Huade mountain is bold enough, has a wide range of people, is also sophisticated, but also exquisite, which makes people on both sides of the Strait recognize him, even shaohefeng, one of the three martial arts masters of the Bay Island Green Gang, and he is brother-in-law with him.

However, this does not mean that huajincai is inferior to huadeshan in strength, but Huajin does not love power and likes to live in seclusion.

Hua Jin just ordered a little, and his face softened a lot.

The killing of Mount Wade was like a dark cloud over them.

Of course, this is the past, and now is the birthday of Lu Fuan, they are not easy to put on their faces.

However, today's affairs are related to the martial arts circles in the South and the future status of their Chinese family.

"Uncle Jiang." Hua Wenxuan stood up and called.

Seeing Hua Wenxuan, Lu Dingjiang couldn't help moving. He should have a son like sun Zhongmou! This huawenxuan, a good-looking talent, deserves to be the future owner of the Chinese family!

The appearance of huawenxuan naturally attracted the attention of the whole audience.


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