Chen Feng said: "I come to find Cha Tai and ask something. I'm afraid only he knows about it."

Of course, chatai is not stupid, that is to say, Chen Feng is here to beg him.

Before Chen Feng so to him, chatai can't swallow this tone, certainly will not help Chen Feng.

Tong Yanhong didn't care about him. Instead, she asked, "are you really effective in this golden sore pill?"

What she thought was very simple. If Chen Feng was holding a fake thing, it was just for chatai to help him. Isn't it a trick?

Chen Feng looked at Tong Yanhong and said, "I don't have much contact with you, but you should know that I am a person."

Bright red is silent.

In dealing with Chen Feng, Tong Yanhong has done Chen Feng's information.

She knows that Chen Feng's Kung Fu and medical skills are very good.

Last time in the hotel temptation Chen Feng, Chen Feng unexpectedly showed amazing perseverance.

He has never met such a young man, but has such charm.

Until that day, at the country party, Chen Feng's awe inspiring, penetrating words were even more stabbed at her pain.

It is impossible for a person with high strength, good medical skills and clear love hate relationship to make fun of these things.

And he really seems to have something to ask for.

Chen Feng has given the steps, they go down, bright red, there is no reason to give cold color.

Chatai immediately said, "Hongjie, don't..."

"Chatai, if you don't want to be in a wheelchair all your life, you can think for yourself. I have something to go out of."

Finish saying to leave directly, before leaving, still did not forget to see Chen Feng much the same.

Chatai did not dare to refute, because Tong Yanhong had made it clear.

"Boy, you are so good that you can handle even the red sister. I don't know how to convince people. You are one of them. Tell me what I can do for you, but I'm afraid I can't help you with what I'm like now." Chatai's tone seems to be more kind, but for Chen Feng, he is still alert.

Huang Wu knew what Chen Feng wanted to do, and said directly for Chen Feng: "don't worry, brother Feng didn't want you to kill people. He just asked you a question. I saw a monk at the airport. He didn't look like a monk. He was dressed in rags. I looked like you from Southeast Asia. I don't know if you know the way?"

Chatai frowned and said, "how can I know so many Buddhas in Southeast Asia? What are the characteristics of the man you are talking about? "

Huang Wu thought about it and suddenly said, "he is shorter than ordinary people. He is about one meter five meters in shape. He is also very thin. He is almost skin and bone."

Chatai pondered for a while and said, "although there are not many such monks in Southeast Asia, there are also many of them. Are there any other characteristics?"

Huang Wu thought again, and suddenly said, "there is one. I don't know if it is a feature. I see that the little finger of one of his hands is not."

When he said this, chatai's face changed, and he even said, "is he very black and has no shoes on. You say that he is wearing a shabby cassock with half body and red, yellow and black?"

"Yes, yes," Huang Wu was stunned. "How do you know that?"

Chatai took a deep breath, looked at Chen Feng and said, "boy, how did you provoke him?"

Chen Feng vaguely felt that this person seemed not simple, asked: "you know what he said, tell me."

"He is known as master Zha in Southeast Asia, but the eminent monks in Southeast Asia are different from those of you in China. Our eminent monks will more or less lower their heads. Among them, the three people who have redeemed are the most powerful. Master Zha is one of them!"

"Head down?" Chen Feng's heart moved.

Then, chatai talked in detail about the legend of falling head and eminent monks in Southeast Asia , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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