The so-called head lowering technique is a branch of ancient Chinese witchcraft. It has become more mysterious and insidious after it was spread to Southeast Asia.

There are many types of head lowering surgery, and the more common ones are the so-called "animal lowering" and "drug lowering", which are relatively simple.

There are also some more advanced ones, which are called "ghost landing". As for "flying down", they are said to be supernatural, extremely mysterious and terrifying.

Take Yaojiang as an example. In a simple way, it is to put some highly poisonous things together, such as five poisons, and let them fight each other until all of them die. Then their bodies will be made into a kind of "Gu Du" thing.

To put it bluntly, Gu Du is a kind of poison, just like Shixiang ruanjin powder in ancient times.

Therefore, Yaojiang is basically the most technical content of the head drop.

Compared with the more advanced Guijiang, Yaojiang is not on the table at all.

It is said that the ghost descending in Southeast Asia is a kind of insidious method that uses little ghosts to perform head lowering.

These little ghosts are not real ghosts, but a kind of stillbirth in the womb. These dead fetuses are obtained by the eminent monks in some way, and then refined into little ghosts.

Furthermore, the imps will be driven by death and "resurrect", and the abilities of these imps are various.

The weak little ghost has infinite power, and even can fly to the sky and escape from the ground.

Just hearing this, Huang Wu was trembling all over, while Chen Feng was calm and did not speak.

Huang Wu was silent and asked: "you said so much, so what is master Zha good at?"

Chatai asked, "I said just now that master Zha is one of the three eminent monks in Southeast Asia. What do you think he is good at?"

Huang Wu's face changed and his lips moved: "can't it be a ghost?"

Chatai did not speak, but acquiesced. Huang Wu took a cold breath.

"Brother Feng, what is the hatred and injustice between Luo Jinpeng and you? He is looking for that monk, isn't he coming to deal with you? "

In his cognition, Chen Feng is strong, but he is only good at martial arts, but people are going to send out legendary imps!

It's not one level at all, OK?

Chen Feng recovered his look and said faintly: "as long as it is not flying down, it doesn't matter. If he dares to deal with me, I will let him go back horizontally."

This was suspected of some big words in chatai's ears. He snorted coldly and said, "boy, self-confidence is good, but blindly self-confidence is conceited. You don't know the strength of master Zha. Do you know why he is so thin? Because falling head is a life-saving thing. There are hundreds of people who have not been killed by him. I advise you to be your man. You can't afford to be some of them. "

Chen Feng gently smile, way: "you said right, some people, really can't afford, but for master Zha, Huang Wu, let's go back."

Left a word inexplicable words, Chen Feng and Huang Wu are back, Cha Tai Leng hum: "I don't know the height of heaven and earth, you want to die, I have no reason to stop you."

It seems that Chen Feng is going to work with master Zha. Chatai doesn't care so much.

But he himself is a Southeast Asian, master Zha's name is so big that ordinary people can't see him at all.

Not long after Chen Feng left, Tong Yanhong came back.

"What does Chen Feng want you to do?" Asked Tong Yanhong.

Chatai said Chen Feng's purpose, and tongyanhong's long and narrow eyes twinkled slightly.

"Chatai, you let people go to Luo Jinpeng's house and watch. If you have anything, please give me feedback immediately!" She said in a deep voice.

Chatai was stunned. Although he didn't know why, he did.

Chen Feng, what are you doing? Or, what else do you have to impress me? Tong Yanhong murmured in her heart , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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