The suit man is still a pair of indifferent tone, said: "it's not necessary, military orders, the third time to warn you, if you don't leave, I will be rude to you."

Tang Xiaoxuan's face changed slightly and said, "Chen Feng, don't come here. They are not you can be hostile to."

Chen Feng is angry in the heart now, where can listen to Tang Xiaoxuan's words?

Now his strength has reached the point of refining Qi and transforming God. Ordinary people can't be his opponent at all.

And this person is also too disrespectful, unexpectedly obstructs oneself.

Even if it is emperor Lao Tzu, he will not give love.

Chen Feng sneered: "are you not polite to me? I also give you a piece of advice. If you stop me, I will be rude to you


The man in black snorted and grabbed Chen Feng with one hand.

Chen Feng snorted coldly, and the back of his hand was separated from each other. But at this time, Chen Feng was shocked and found that his hand could not open the other side's strength.

How powerful this man is!

In this way, Chen Feng's wrist twists and clenches his fist. His inner strength bursts out, and his straight fist blows out.

Chen Feng knew that he met a master, so he didn't have any carelessness at all. He just blew out his inner strength.

You know, in the city of Shenchuan, Chen Feng has not been so full-scale combat boxing.

"Oh? Taiji boxing? It's really unexpected that there are some boxing masters in Shenchuan City, but they are still too young. "

The man in black sneered and took it up.

Chen Feng's punch, even a cow can be killed instantly, but fell into the palm of the man in black, but it seems to have hit the steel plate.

Chen Feng's face changed again and stepped back three steps.

The man did not catch up, but looked at Chen Feng indifferently, and Chen Feng's face was very ugly.

"Boy, your Taijiquan is very authentic. If I guess well, it should be Yang's Taijiquan?"

Chen Feng stares at the man, and then looks at the man in black whose face is as calm as water behind him and says in a deep voice: "who are you?"

What he can be sure of now is that these two people are absolutely not ordinary people, not to mention the experts of what kind of home boxing!

There is a strong Qi in the body of Neijia boxing master. Even at the lowest level of refining Qi, the Qi can be felt when exerting force.

But this man, after a short fight or two with himself, their calm and deep breath is very mysterious, just like It's like meeting the night wolf and the dark knife, even like the housekeeper!

Are these two people as special as the housekeeper?

But the two men were obviously less terrifying than the housekeeper.

Housekeeper is the kind of person who seems to be an ordinary person on the surface, but once he does, the mystery can make people feel chilly at any time, and there is a smell of death at any time.

But these two people, Chen Feng at least feel that they can be defeated, but their deep foundation, as well as the terrible strength of the first fight, let Chen Feng feel in the bottom of his heart, if really fight, he is likely not their opponent.

The man in black stares at Chen Feng and says, "you don't have to know who we are, but what I'm curious about is that, as far as I know, the boxing Manual of Yang's Taijiquan should be in the hands of the Song family. I didn't expect that it would be spread out!"

As soon as he heard of the Song family, Tang Xiaoxuan's face changed a little, and Chen Feng also caught it, which made him feel cool.

So, song Xuanze's family and Tang Xiaoxuan's family should be the kind of super mysterious and powerful family in the capital city?

Otherwise, how could the man in black be willing to do things for others?

But soon, the man in black became indifferent and said, "well, boy, I'm not in the mood and have no ability to manage the affairs of the Song family. I only know that Miss Tang I want to take back, and you don't have to get close to it. You are very strong, but you won't be my opponent. Go ahead." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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