Face their own women are taken away, but they are so laissez faire to each other?

Chen Feng can't do it himself.

The other side is very strong, but they are not totally worthless, at least they can fight for it.

Helplessly saw his own woman was taken away, but he can not do anything, Chen Feng would rather die.

"Yes, you are very strong, but if you want to take her, you must pass me first."

Chen Feng took a deep breath, all the internal force burst to the whole body of the musculoskeletal, issued a crackling sound.

Chen Feng is the first time to show his strongest breath of strength. Under normal circumstances, the enemy he faces is not enough to make him fight so much.

But these two people are not the same, very dangerous, Chen Feng must show all the strength.

Seeing Chen Feng's explosive strength, the man in black took down his sunglasses. His eyes were very sharp, staring at Chen Feng and saying, "boy, you really have two sons. You are much stronger than those martial arts students in Yanjing. But do you think that with your armed force, can you be my opponent?"

As soon as the voice fell, the man in black stamped on the ground.

Originally, Chen Feng thought, this foot, at most, let the floor crack, but then, an amazing scene appeared, the whole hall floor, unexpectedly all began to crack!

Chen Feng's face is moving, even Tang Xiaoxuan is also some of the color.

"Do you think I'll be afraid of you like this?"

Chen Fenggang was about to jump on her, but Tang Xiaoxuan stopped immediately.

"Chen Feng!"

"Well?" Chen Feng frowned and stopped the momentum.

Tang Xiaoxuan slightly shook his head and said: "they are not the same identity, you can't beat them."

This is to let Chen Feng give up!

But Chen Feng clearly felt the worry and concern in Tang Xiaoxuan's eyes.

Tang Xiaoxuan knows that she has a strong method, but if she insists on hard work, she will be hurt.


Tang Xiaoxuan nodded and said, "I'm ok. They won't do anything to me. After all, I haven't been back to Yanjing for a long time."

"All right."

Chen Feng finally took up his inner strength, and immediately he was staring at the man in black and said in a deep voice: "I warn you, if she comes back with less than a hair, even if she kills Yanjing, I will not let you go."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The man in the suit laughed three times, and he said meaningfully: "boy, you are very kind, good. Intuition tells me that we will meet again. But I have to tell you a fact. This time we take Miss Tang back to Yanjing, we may not be able to return. "

"Can't you come back?" Chen Feng is surprised and looks at Tang Xiaoxuan.

Tang Xiaoxuan promised: "Chen Feng, don't listen to his nonsense, I will come back."

The man chuckled and said, "take Miss Tang."

Even by, the man in black was blocked between Chen Feng and Tang Xiaoxuan, which made Chen Feng feel very bad.

Xiaoxuan didn't expect to be taken away by Tang Xiaoxuan, but she didn't want to be taken away by herself!

Chen Feng clenched his fists tightly. The man in black glanced at Chen Feng and said faintly: "boy, you have good potential, but you are still too tender. But I appreciate you and hope that one day we will have a chance to fight."

This is very plain, but Chen Feng's face is more gloomy after hearing.

Because the man said this, revealed a strong contempt.

"Give me your name." Chen Feng suddenly opens a way.

"Remember, my name is Han Yang!"

"I remember."

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