Tang Ruishan suddenly smiles, which is his long lost smile.

"What a surprise to me, young man. To tell you the truth, except that you were born a little bit shabby, others were OK. No wonder Xiaoxuan took a fancy to you, and you saved Xiaoxuan's life."

Chen Feng Yi Xi, asked: "that is to say, you always agree?"

"I didn't say yes."

Groove! Still playing with me!

"But I didn't say no

Chen Feng heart move, there is room to turn!

Tang Ruishan sighed: "you also know the relationship between Xiaoxuan and me. With Xiaoxuan's character, do you think Xiaoxuan will compromise if I say no? I don't care about your young people. "

Chen Feng was overjoyed: "that is to say, if Xiaoxuan agrees, you will have no problem here?"

Tang Ruishan doesn't speak, but Chen Feng knows that Tang Ruishan is the default!

This is a good thing! Chen Feng is so happy that she has to fly outside.

At this time, it can be said that there is less to say and less to err, and more to lose.

Chen Feng naturally understood and waited for Tang Ruishan's next instruction.

After a long time, Tang Ruishan regained his calm and said, "however, there is one thing I have to tell you. Our Tang family's background relationship is not general. Although the relationship network is large, there are also many enemies. These enemies are not on the surface."

Chen Feng frowned and said, "Old Tang means that you still have some enemies. Are you an expert in the world? For example The warrior? "


Tang Ruishan sighed and said: "because of some historical reasons, I can't talk to you so much. But as long as you are close to our Tang family, the environment you are in, and your danger are far from those secular forces in Shenchuan. That's why I prefer to marry Xiaoxuan to an ordinary person, but I don't trust to give it to you."

Chen Feng took a deep breath. He knew that the Tang family was powerful, but he didn't expect Tang Ruishan to have such a worry.

"Chen Feng, your strength is still too weak. You are not even a warrior. In the circle of boxing, you are only at the middle and upper levels, let alone martial arts." Tang Ruishan said.

For this, Chen Feng still has self-knowledge.

Tang Ruishan is a martial arts man. From his short contact with him, he can tell from his words that a martial artist is definitely more powerful than a boxer who practices Neijia boxing.

Then, Tang Ruishan and Chen Feng talked about martial arts.

Wu Dao has a long history, which is said to be the beginning of Laozi's Taoist school.

The Qi refining method of Taoism was passed down, and then it was integrated by some martial Taoist people. Therefore, it is a kind of martial arts master.

The simplest manifestation, and also the most prosperous embodiment, is the late Qing Dynasty, the beginning of the Republic of China, when martial arts were in vogue, capable people emerged in large numbers.

It's like sun Lutang, the great master who is the first hand in the world.

Master Wudang sword, Yang Taijiquan sword immortal Li Jinglin.

And the magic gun, Li Shuwen and so on.

This kind of great master of martial arts is no longer an enemy with hundreds of enemies. Even if it is a thousand troops, it can also be skillful.

It was only in the era of the rise of guns that China was invaded by foreign countries, which led to the gradual decline of martial arts.

Those martial arts masters, no matter how powerful, can they still face the aircraft and artillery?

In addition, martial arts practitioners need to practice day and night, which is not a lot of people willing to spend such time in this fast era.

Therefore, the decline of martial arts has become a necessity.

Of course, all of these are relative. Just like Tang Ruishan, who lives in the system, the people he meets are not what Chen Feng can imagine.

Then, Tang Ruishan and Chen Feng talked about the realm of martial arts.

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