There are three realms of martial arts.

They are external force, internal force and creative environment.

The so-called external force, in a simple way, is the realm of foreign boxing.

Now some of the boxers who practice Yongchun, houquan, wuxingquan and so on belong to foreign boxing. What they practice is skin and fascia, and what they practice is strength beyond the reach of ordinary people. The most powerful can reach the limit state of ordinary people.

But when it comes to internal strength, it's not the same.

Those who can cultivate internal strength are the three Neijia boxing, and of course there are various branches.

There are very few people who reach the state of inner strength. Take Shenchuan for example. Chen Feng has only met two people, one is Shen Wenhai, the other is Su Ming.

But internal strength is also a big realm. According to Chen Feng, there are refining essence into Qi, refining Qi to transform spirit, refining spirit to counteract emptiness.

Speaking of this, Tang Ruishan took a look at Chen Feng and said: "if I guess well, you should be almost in the martial arts realm of refining spirit and counteracting emptiness, but there are also refining spirit and anti emptiness, practicing virtual and combining Tao. Breaking through the practice of combining emptiness and Taoism is the realm of creation. It's the realm of creation that is called the warrior, and the former can only be called the boxer. "

Chen Feng is surprised that his understanding of Neijia boxing is still too shallow. There is a combination of refining spirit and emptiness?

"In Yanjing, all the more powerful boxers have the realm of refining spirit and counteracting emptiness. A few of them practice the combination of emptiness and Taoism, and few of them create the realm of transformation. Of course, the state of creation is also hierarchical, which is too early for you. "

Chen Feng suddenly, it seems and he thought right, martial arts is really higher than a boxer realm.

So I am proud of my strength in Shenchuan. I can't imagine that in Yanjing's boxer circle, I can't get into the Dharma school!

He suddenly thought of a question, and said: "so, old Tang, I have a question, internal strength is a kind of power, so the creative environment, is not a kind of power to change into spiritual power?"

It's Tang Ruishan's turn to be surprised. He takes a look at Chen Feng and says, "I didn't expect that you know a lot. You're right. The power to create a world is called spiritual power. As I said just now, martial arts is the result of some boxers' combination of Qi refining methods of Taoism. This spiritual power is also derived from Taoism. "

So it is!

In this way, Chen Feng was clear about the whole train of practice.

In other words, the cultivation of Taoism is orthodox, and the cultivation of martial arts is differentiated.

Because the supreme emperor said to him that Chen Feng is still very young, and he has not even reached the entrance to Taoism.

What is an introduction to Taoism?

Breathing freely, refining Qi for spiritual power! As an introduction to Taoism!

If his boxing state reached the realm of creation, it would be equivalent to touching the door of Taoism!

Isn't it equivalent to cultivating immortals?

It's exciting to think of it.

There is law in everything, and there is connection in everything.

Chen Feng suddenly asked cautiously: "Old Tang, if you come to the realm of fortune, don't know if you can carry bullets?"

Chen Feng had suffered from bullets. He knew that the decline of martial arts was closely related to the modern firearm of hot weapons.

Imagine that you have practiced hard for more than ten or twenty years, but a gun can kill you. How can the body compete with the musket?

If you can, isn't it a fairy?

Tang Ruishan took a look at Chen Feng and said, "young people, don't be ambitious. You should be down-to-earth. However, I can tell you that there are different levels of creation. I can't make it faster than a bullet for the time being."

Chen Feng is surprised that Tang Ruishan's strength can't avoid bullets?

Tang Ruishan sighed and said, "it's hard to cultivate the inner strength, let alone the spiritual power to create the realm. Those who can reach the realm of creation are called master Wudao. As for master Wudao... "

Tang Ruishan did not go on, but Chen Feng vaguely guessed that the realm of martial arts master was definitely above the realm of creation.

That is to say, if one can achieve a certain level of Taoist cultivation, is it not possible to achieve a master's realm by following one's own martial arts cultivation?

"That Xiaoxuan..."

After hearing Wu Dao everybody's matter, Chen Feng's most related is Tang Ruishan's attitude.

That is to say, I don't oppose it or agree with it, but I haven't said how to deal with it!

"You know, Xiaoxuan is following you. I'm not at ease, so now..."

Chen Feng heart suddenly a tight, said so much, is it still not agreed?

"Now, I only allow you to visit Xiaoxuan once a week, OK?"

Chen Feng ecstasy, immediately blurted out: "thank you Tang old Chengquan!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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