This man, the eldest disciple of Gu Yi, is also the elder brother of Shangguan Ling, Tang Yang.

When Chen Feng comes out, song Qiuxi and Tang Yang seem to be talking and laughing.

"Chen Feng, this is Dr. Tang, the eldest disciple of Dr. Gu, who came to see you specially."

"Hello, Chen Feng. I think we know each other." Tang Yang reached out his hand in a friendly way.

Chen Feng nodded and shook Tang Yang.

"I don't know what Dr. Tang came to me for?"

Chen Feng, the name of Gu Yi, has been called the first doctor in Yanjing. Chen Feng is not too proud of the disciples of this kind of master of medical ethics.

In fact, if Chen Feng knew that Tang Yang's medical skills were not as high as shangguanling, I didn't know how he would feel.

Tang Yang politely took out an invitation card and said, "Doctor Chen, this is for you."

"Centennial ceremony of Huaxia Medical Association"

Chen Feng was surprised and said, "this..."

"Yes, we will have a grand ceremony in two months' time. There will be many doctors, including those from home and abroad, to exchange medical skills."

Chen Feng suddenly, what exchange, is a competition, to see whose medical skills are more brilliant.

However, Chen Feng was really not interested in this kind of medical exchange meeting. He politely declined: "sorry, Doctor Tang, I was just a freshman, and I didn't even have a medical qualification certificate, so the title of doctor is very important to me."

The implication is that I have no interest in this grand event. You can play by yourself.

Chen Feng doesn't despise the doctors of Huaxia Medical Association, but he doesn't like the feeling that so many people are surrounded by people.

What's more, he knows that this grand event must also have shangguanling's invitation. Maybe it's to "revenge"!

He doesn't want to go. It's so troublesome that he has to go. He's tired of this.

Last time, it was because of Tang Xiaoxuan. Otherwise, he showed his medical skills in front of so many people.

Tang Yang is a smart man. What kind of medical qualification certificate is just a title. Does the master of medical ethics who can control the needle with one hand still care about that certificate?

Chen Feng deliberately refused him, but he didn't give up. He said to Chen Fengquan, "Doctor Chen is modest. This grand ceremony is a Centenary Celebration, so some doctors who haven't been out of the mountain for a long time will also be present. Some doctors' medical skills are not much worse than my master."

Finish saying, look to Chen Feng, seem to want to see Chen Feng's reaction.

Unfortunately, Chen Feng was still expressionless and said: "in this case, this grand ceremony must be gathering many masters of medical ethics."


Tang Yang is ready for Xiaozhi to move with emotion. Chen Feng goes on: "but the boy's medical skills are limited and his ability is not enough, so he will not show his ugliness. Doctor Tang has a good intention."

This NIMA Your medical skills are limited? Do you want to make a fool of yourself? Are those TCM doctors in Yanjing embarrassed to go out to practice medicine?

Tang Yang Dynasty, song Qiuxi made the eyes for help.

Gu Yi and song Qiuxi have friendship, and Gu Yi is the elder of Chinese Medicine Association. This boy was promoted by song Qiuxi. How can we have a beginning and a ending?

"Ha ha," song Qiuxi said with a smile. "Tang Yang, young people have young people's ideas. We elders can't interfere."

Tang Yang is in a hurry. I don't say Mr. Song doesn't take you to play like this!

I have a mission!

"As far as I know, it's not impossible for Chen Feng to be busy with his studies and take time out to attend the grand ceremony. "

with that, song Qiuxi looked at Chen Feng. The latter was moved in his heart and pretended to meditate for a long time. Then he said," Mr. Song is right. Because you have to go to school, you know, in addition to professional courses, there are also public courses in the University. After that, they have to take exams, and then they have to do some activities. They have to review exams at the end of the term. They are very busy... "

Tang Yang suddenly realized , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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