"This is a good thing, we have a little friendship with the dean of medical college. If I say one, you can't have any free medical treatment certificate in class. It's better to do it, so it won't hinder you from learning?"

Hindering him from learning? What else does this kid need to learn because he is so skillful in medical skills?

Tang Yang did not know what Chen Feng would like to do in college, but he also did not care, as long as he helped Chen Feng, then the latter of the ceremony had time to go.

Chen Feng pretended to be hesitant and made a very difficult decision, saying, "Doctor Tang is so enthusiastic, I can't push it off, OK, I will take part in two months."

"That's what it says!"

Tang Yang left, song Qiuxi smiled: "Chen Feng, I found you more and more like the old fox."

Chen Feng shrugged, thinking you did not know my experience in deep Sichuan, a few months will be enough to make you smooth.

"Tang Yang so eager to participate in this medical ceremony, song Lao did not know the purpose of it?" Said Chen Feng.

"Ha ha ha," song Qiuxi laughed and said, "it is not the last time shangguanling lost to you, and then he wants to take advantage of this grand ceremony and want to beat you again."

Chen Feng shook his head slightly. Yes, he thought about this reason, and the only one he could think of.

"Forget it, no matter what, it will help me solve my troubles. I will go there."

Now I don't have to take classes, I can go to the library to study myself at will. This is what Chen Feng wants. Other things will be allowed to be done later.

"By song Lao, did you have any thoughts about the last thing you mentioned?" Chen Feng asked about it.

Song Qiuxi shook his head and said, "there is no head."

Chen Feng no longer asked more, transfer topic way: "song old, I think you have been a lot better recently, how do you practice boxing?"

When it comes to this, song Lao is old and interested, and he goes on saying, "Chen Feng, I said to you, recently I......"


Yanjing's key universities are the most in the country. All 211985 and other universities gather nearby and are very close.

Chen Feng asked Tong Zhijie to arrange the school is Yanjing University, next to Yanjing Film Academy, which is coco Song school, of course, there are many universities around.

This day, after the enrollment procedures have been completed, Chen Feng also began his college life.

Originally, Chen Yiping and his wife said they would come to see Chen Feng, but after a long time, Chen Feng said that he had settled down and asked them to come to visit the school and Yanjing.

This day, songyuwen, who was promoted to senior high school, also called Chen Feng, asking about the night.

After all, Chen Feng has deliberately avoided coco song in these days, and does not want to have any intersection with her.

Song Yuwen said to find Chen Feng, want to invite him to eat, but Chen Feng politely refused.

Last time, song didn't help himself, obviously there was a little bit of the meaning of letting himself down. This little thing, Chen Feng will not be on the heart.

But for song Yuwen, he really has no good feelings, and there is no common topic. He has little contact with each other.

Hung up, a girl next to asked: "how? Did the guy agree? "

The person who asked, is Cai Bingyan.

Song Yuwen shook his head and caibingyan hum: "this guy is forced by cattle! Our big beauty offered to invite him to eat and let go, but she didn't even appreciate it! "

This guy seems to have no intention of fear at all, and there is no sense of gratitude. If it is not Chen Feng, she doesn't know where to cry now.

Song Yuwen shook his head slightly, and he was not angry in his heart. He was two world people. What would he say was that he was a famous family. Chen Feng was supporting his father?

She shook her head slightly, and then, no matter what, left the matter behind her head.

"We don't care about him. We have a few more young young students in our school. Let's go and tease them."

Said is Cai Bing Yan away, but do not know how, said that no matter Chen Feng, but song Yuwen's mind, but that person hit more than ten people scene

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