Qin Yinglong and a Fei stare at each other and are surprised.

Especially a Fei, back numb, and then can't help but look at Chen Feng.

If Chen Feng had this kind of strength at the beginning, then even if he didn't die at that time, he would have peeled off the skin?

Qin Yinglong was sweating hard. Although he was a big man, he faced more swords and sticks when he was young.

This internal force is not necessarily more powerful than artillery, but it is the strength of human body, which is also very shocking.

"Master yuan, please have a seat."

Qin Ying was overjoyed by longan, so he quickly asked master yuan to sit down. When the latter sat down, he did not forget to look at Chen Feng and preached: "boy, this is the real internal strength. But you are still young. Maybe you can reach my level one day. But if you insist on going, it's not impossible. It's your choice, and you'll have a chance to see what a real inner strength master is

Chen Feng is smiling at the side, still did not speak.

From the beginning to the end, he sat there. Even if master yuan's palm just shook, he was calm whether he wanted to show it to himself or not.

Master yuan's hand is really powerful. Chen Feng speculates that master yuan should have reached the inner strength state of Qi refining and spirit transforming.

But what they don't know is that Chen Feng didn't use all his strength when he played a Fei and Qin Yinglong.

With Chen Feng's strength today, as long as a finger, Chen Feng can crush this marble table top.

"That's very good. With master yuan here, the man will lose his skin if he doesn't die."

"Is that your enemy?" Asked master yuan.

Qin Yinglong explained: "that was some things in the world when I was young. The man's name was Zhu Ning, and his family also opened a martial arts school. Early on, their family offended my employer, and the employer hired me to take people to destroy the house. But he escaped. More than ten years later, I heard that he went to the mountains to learn martial arts and came back to seek revenge on me."

When he said this, Chen Feng was surprised for a moment. No wonder people want to come to us. It turns out that there is a deep blood feud.

However, no one can tell who is right or wrong about this kind of affairs in the world, and he has no interest in paying attention to it.

Qin Yinglong immediately took out a stack of checks, and then wrote a number on the check.

"Master yuan, here is 10 million yuan. After the success, I will give you another 20 million yuan and introduce you to it. How about that?"

Master yuan, with a smile on her face, accepted it with a smile.

He asked him to help, but as long as he lived in the secular world, how could he be immune to money?

Of course, money is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the noble man behind Qin Yinglong.

Qin Yinglong was born as a gangster. Up to now, he has been able to eat all black and white in Yanjing. If there is no one to support him, then no one will believe it.

Even Chen Feng, after contacting Qin Yinglong twice, really feels that Qin Yinglong is not a person who does great things, and the latter is just about doing things.

Of course, Chen Feng has no interest in who is behind Qin Yinglong.

I'm afraid that even if he has a strong background with the Tang family, he should be one of the Tang Rui family members.

With Chen Feng's strength and mood, he doesn't need to do these things.

"Chen Feng, as for your reward..."

Qin Yinglong didn't forget Chen Feng, so he prepared the numbers.

Chen Feng is said: "I am to see, estimated not to help what help, the reward will not."

Money is just numbers to him, and doesn't he have money?

Of course not, enough to eat, enough to drink, enough to live, is Chen Feng's pursuit of material.

A person's life, how much to eat and how much to wear is doomed. This is also the biggest change after Chen Feng practises martial arts, cultivates Taoism, and studies medicine, which is the heart nature.

If you throw away his 18-year-old shell, it will definitely be an old man's mentality.

Master yuan nodded and praised: "young people understand modesty and have self-knowledge. It's good. You can watch while you are there. I will protect your safety."

After all, he is a guest, and the ugly point is to collect money and handle affairs, so the words are only said to Chen Feng, who is also clear in his heart and doesn't take it seriously.

Then, master yuan and Qin Yinglong began to discuss the matter of the evening, completely forgetting Chen Feng.

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