It was soon twelve o'clock, a quiet farm outside the city.

It is not so much a farm as a "Longmen inn".

Several restaurants have been built here, all of which continue the style of an ancient inn.

The lantern is high and the lights are bright. Although it is a suburb, many people dare to come to eat and eat supper. After all, it is quiet around and a good place to talk about things.

Besides bringing Chen Feng and master yuan, Qin Yinglong also had some bodyguards. Of course, master yuan also brought a disciple.

"Hehe, this Zhuning is also eye-catching. This is a suburb, and now it's quiet at night, and it's packed with an inn. No one knows about fighting. Even if it's escaping, it's convenient." Master Yuan said with a faint smile.

"With master yuan, even if Zhu Ning had wings, it would be difficult to fly." Qin Yinglong said with a smile.

"There are people out there, there are people out there. We should be cautious."

It is said that, but master yuan's face also has some hard to hide the complacency.

His martial arts school was handed down by his ancestors. Although his Neijia boxing is not the most authentic, it is also famous among the boxers in Yanjing.

Nine of the ten opponents he met were defeated. Gradually, naturally, he developed this arrogance.

Of course, there are not many boxers in Yanjing, and the really powerful boxers will not open martial arts schools. They are all hermit experts.

Chen Feng smelled the smell of a kind of hot weapon. He glanced at the bodyguards around Qin Yinglong, and he understood something in his heart.

Qin Yinglong was more cautious than they thought. All the bodyguards had guns on their bodies.

This is easy to understand. No matter how powerful the martial arts are, in front of the modern thermal weapons, unless they are the gods and men who are superb and can't resist the guns.

Qin Yinglong is a character in Yanjing, and he has so many enemies that he has bought insurance again and again.

According to a Fei, after a Fei was beaten, Zhu Ning agreed to meet here. When everyone came upstairs, the whole Inn was chartered.

The waiter is also ready for tea is to leave in a hurry, as if to see something afraid of the same.

The decoration inside is antique. After master yuan arrived, he was sitting on the imperial chair with a Damascus sword. Qin Yinglong was pouring tea. The others were waiting behind him.

As for Chen Feng, he was on the bed in the back corner of these people, drinking tea by himself and looking out of the window.

Looking at the quiet bamboo grove outside, it is really a kind of quiet inside.

The time soon arrived at 1:00 in the morning. Master yuan, who was sitting still, suddenly looked at the stairs. A sense of killing was approaching. There was a depressing atmosphere on the whole floor.

"There's a guest."

Qin Yinglong's heart suddenly tenses up, while a Fei's heart is filled with sweat. The rest of the ordinary people, who don't know how, are in a state of uneasiness with the sound of the footsteps.

"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!"

Originally said not nervous, but Qin Yinglong still felt shortness of breath, he constantly comforted himself, Zhu Ning no matter how powerful, absolutely can not be so many people on the scene opponent.

After a while, a man finally appeared at the stairway.

This is a man who looks more than 30 years old. He is wearing a training suit. He is tall and has a cold face.

"Qin Yinglong, how can we say that we have known each other for more than ten years? Do you see that I don't even pour a cup of tea?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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