Zhu Ning came up, people on the whole floor were nervous, but Zhu Ning went to the chair on the other side of the crowd and sat down.

Zhu Ning's eyes, like falcons staring at Qin Yinglong, the latter scalp numb.

But now other people have, and the formation also has, how can not appear to be weak.

"Zhu Ning, you also know that I also received money for that incident. If I really want to hunt you down, do you think you can still live to this day?" Qin Yinglong took a deep breath and tried to keep himself looking down.


Zhu Ning was so angry that he broke the assistant of the stool with one hand. He said in a sharp voice: "do you mean that we deserve it if you want someone to destroy my family? I'm not dead. Should I be grateful to you? "

For a moment, Zhu Ning's eyes were filled with a fierce breath.

Qin Yinglong's heart trembled for a moment. He took a deep breath and said, "you come to see me today. Don't you want to have a good talk? At the end of the day, you think I owe you. OK, what do you want? "

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Ning laughed and said, "Qin Yinglong, I haven't seen you for more than ten years. I can't believe that you have become so bold. Do you want to compensate me? Yes, if you want to kill, you have to give your life! It's over. "

Qin Yinglong was stunned and handed over his life? Isn't there no need to talk about it?

"Zhu Ning!"

Qin Yinglong also patted the table and said coldly, "don't think you can do whatever you want if you have some inner strength! This is Yanjing. It's not a place for you to run wild! "

As soon as his voice fell, all the people present were watching Zhu Ning with vigilance.

But Zhu Ning raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Qin Yinglong, do you know inner strength? It seems that you've got a good wharf these years. Do you want the shrimp soldiers and crabs next to you to clean me up in the future

This can't help but make Qin Yinglong's words impassive, but also make master yuan's face gloomy.

"Brother, if you leave three points in your speech, don't you fear that your tongue will flash in the wind?" Master yuan's cold way.

Zhu Ning sneered: "which onion are you? I Zhu Ning has been practicing martial arts in the mountains for more than ten years. Do you think you can tell me what to do if you fight in this happy nest? "

"It's no use saying more. You can see the truth from the bottom of your hand. Jiaming."

Jiaming, a disciple of master yuan, is the most powerful one in their martial arts school.

A young man in his twenties came out and stood in front of Zhu Ning.

"He is my eldest disciple. His internal strength is at the peak of Refining Essence and transforming Qi. Even if he can't clean him up, it's enough to suppress him." Master Yuan said faintly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu Ning laughed three times and said, "you are a boxer, don't you know how to kill people with heavy fists?"

"The peak of refining and transforming Qi also wants to shave in front of the tiger?"

Zhu Ning's mania really scares Qin Yinglong. Of course, Jiaming is also a young man after all, and his anger surges when he is repeatedly humiliated.

"Say so much, I'll talk about winning."

As soon as the voice fell, Jiaming's body moved, and he put on a shelf and immediately plundered it.

"Beat you? I can kill you! "

Zhu Ning stamped on the ground, and he was like a tiger and a leopard from his sitting position, which was like a flash of lightning.

In the moment of collision, a shadow is shot backward in an instant, directly hit the wall.


Jiaming's back bone was broken, and he vomited blood directly.

"Ming family!"

Master yuan finally couldn't sit still. His face changed wildly and he stood up immediately.

"Rubbish! If I hadn't kept a hand, he would have gone to hell now! Qin Yinglong, is that what you're looking for? " Zhu Ning maliciously smile way, the eye is very Sen Han.

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