Master yuan's heart was cold. His apprentice, Jiaming, was at the peak of refining and transforming Qi, but he was beaten away without even seeing the shadow of his opponent.

In this way, the Kung Fu power of Zhu Ning is at least as powerful as his own?

His own strength is at the peak of Qi refining and transforming God, and he guessed in his heart that this man's strength is likely to be higher than himself.

Of course, if you want to think about it, the fact is that you have to fight before you know it.

Even if the opponent is the inner strength realm of refining spirit and counteracting emptiness, we should pay attention to some experience and skills in fighting.

What's more, in this situation, if you still collect money, can't you?

Master yuan stood up, arched his hand at Zhu Ning, and said in a deep voice, "it's really a master. I'm a master of eight trigrams. I don't know who this brother learned from."

Zhu Ning sneered: "Yuan Anhai? If you're from anywhere, you'll get out of the way. I'm not interested in you. "

Yuan Anhai can't help but be angry. He is older than Zhu Ning and has more experience than the other party.

However, this person has no respect and no cover up, which is very taboo in the martial arts field.

"Brother, it's good to have strength, but it's not absolute." Yuan Anhai said in a deep voice.

"Haw, I'll kill you!"

Zhu Ning also looked impatient. He stamped his foot and the witness rushed out again.

The internal force burst out suddenly and was contained in his fist.


From the inside of Zhu Ning's fist, the sound of bone collision came out. The fist style seemed to burst the air and roared directly.

Qin Yinglong was shocked.

This level of internal force burst, even more terrible than what yuan Anhai showed him that day!

Do not know how, Qin Yinglong heart began to Yuan Anhai no bottom.

He has lived in Yanjing for more than ten years, and he has seen a lot of big waves. He has even seen some of the most powerful boxing moves in the circle.

However, compared with this enemy, he was just weak and unconscious. He pinched a sweat in his heart and secretly winked at the four or five people behind him.

The five men in black nodded and put their hands in the clothes, ready to deal with it.

"Fortunately, I have two hands to prepare. It seems that in the future, I will definitely invite an internal strength expert to be a bodyguard." Qin Yinglong thought in his heart.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fight between Yuan Anhai and Zhu Ning became more and more fierce. The small circle, under the impact of fists and feet, tables, stools and decorations were all smashed.

There was a cold sweat on their foreheads, and the sound of fists and feet pounding, as if they were beating their hearts.

And look at the signs, Yuan Anhai seems to be pressed to hit the same.

Then, with the sound of "bang", the two figures separated, and Yuan Anhai's figure directly retreated several meters, covering his chest.


Yuan an Haikou spits blood, eyes more and more surprised.

"As I expected, your inner strength has reached the realm of refining spirit and counteracting emptiness. In the circle of boxers, you are also the place to stand."

Although Zhu Ning defeated yuan Anhai, he was not easy to crush at this time, and he also consumed some.

"Hum! I'm not interested in the so-called boxers and not boxers here. You are frogs in the bottom of the well. The world is very big. It's not only Yanjing that has experts! People like you who live in this environment, even if they are my peers, I can kill you

Yuan Anhai was a little ashamed. Indeed, the world is very big and there are many places where there are martial arts experts. But there are more people gathered in Yanjing.

In this way, Zhu Ning is worshipped by the master.

"Qin Yinglong, it's your turn!"

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