Zhu Ning's eyes like tiger and wolf stare at him. Qin Yinglong knows it's broken. He yells at him immediately.

He gave a roar, and the others immediately backed away.

At the same time, the five bodyguards behind Qin Yinglong instantly move forward and then take out their hands.

As early as a moment ago, their hands had already grasped the gun, and the training insurance was opened.

But who knows, their hands have not been taken out, Zhu Ning is faster than them, grab the chopsticks on the table, directly is thrown out.


Silent scream, five people's hands, is directly nailed in the clothes to go, can not pull out.

Zhu Ning's sharp eyes, no matter in response, or insight, are not comparable to ordinary people.

It has been only ten minutes since he set foot on this floor. However, in the past ten minutes, people are moved.

Qin Ying's dragon face is as dead ash, and Zhu Ning's eyes are even stronger.

Yes, ordinary boxers can't avoid bullets, even some powerful fighters.

But hiding is just one thing. Can't I stop you from shooting?

You can't even shoot, so do I need to hide?

"Qin Yinglong, originally I wanted to break your hands and feet, so that you could not live as if you were dead for the rest of your life. It was written off like this, but you let me down too much."

Zhu Ning came over step by step, his face gloomy like a leopard in the dark.

Yuan Anhai has been injured. Qin Yinglong's bodyguard is also suffering from pain. Qin Yinglong is helpless.

"Zhu Ning! I can give you everything I have, as long as you let me go

Qin long began to beg for mercy.

Zhu Ning smile, smile is very ferocious, asked: "that is better than I give all my property to you, you give me life, how about?"

As soon as the voice dropped, he stepped out, two or three meters away, and went directly to Qin Yinglong's body, and then lifted the collar of Qin Yinglong.

Qin Yinglong's face was pale, while Zhu Ning was spitting out a chill. Sen Leng said: "I escaped to the outside and lived a miserable and inhumane life. I was thinking about how to revenge day and night. Finally, I met an expert. I practiced martial arts for more than ten years, and the purpose was to wait for a day! Qin Yinglong, you are a frog at the bottom of a well. You have been blinded by the colorful world of the outside world. It's useless for you to survive. "

"Zhu Ning, Zhu Ning, if you have something to say, you can't kill me. If you kill me, my employer will not let you go."


This employer, however, hired Qin Yinglong to wipe out the big names of the Zhuning family. Over the years, Qin Yinglong has such a strong supporter, so that he can quickly rise to the top.

Zhu Ning sneered: "so it is. You are just a running dog and a puppet. However, even if I kill you, I will flee to foreign countries today. Is it difficult for the people here to find me even if they can find me through the heaven and earth?"

As soon as Qin Yinglong turned pale, he immediately changed his mouth and said, "I'm wrong. Brother Ning, I'm willing to be an ox and a horse for you. As long as you spare my life, master yuan, come and save me..."

Yuan Anhai nearby bit his teeth. He collected money, but it doesn't mean that he wants to take his life up!

Ah I'm sorry. I'm sorry for you today Yuan Anhai was also intolerant.

"No one can save you, ready to go down and reincarnate, remember, the next life remember not to offend people who should not have offended."

Qin Yinglong was shivering all over his body, which was a shaking of fear.

He was born to be a big man, and it was very difficult for him to come to this stage. At that time, his enemies sought revenge on him and said that he would not be reconciled. That is for sure.

He has not enjoyed his splendor enough!

Zhu Ning stretched out his other hand, clenched his fist, and prepared to give Qin Yinglong a blow. Suddenly, a voice came in --

"when is it time for injustice and injustice to be reported? Why don't you give me a face and let him go."

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