In the corner of the floor, a young man of eighteen or nineteen rose suddenly.

The man looked a little lazy and came slowly.

Zhu Ning's expression is very unhappy, it turns out to be this boy.

When he went up the stairs just now, with his insight and observation, he already knew how many people were in the room.

What's more, at that time, he only thought that the boy was here for tea, but he didn't expect that he was also a meddler?

"Boy, give you face? Do you know what kind of existence you are talking to? " Zhu Ning's cold way.

The speaker, of course, is Chen Feng.

All the fighting just now, Chen Feng is basically self-care in drinking tea, not too much attention here.

From the moment Zhu Ning went upstairs, he knew what would happen.

Now he stands up, not because he and Qin Yinglong have a good friendship, but because he doesn't want to see dead people here.

He was a monk and a doctor. There was nothing worse than seeing the dead in front of him.

Unless you have to.

Qin Yinglong just reacted, he almost forgot Chen Feng.

Although he knows that Chen Feng has no chance to face Zhu Ning, but this is his life-saving straw!

"Zhu Ning, this is my friend. He is a friend of master Tang. For the sake of the Tang family, you have spared my life," he said

Chen Feng and he said that he can not mention his identity, this kind of friendship, the other side should be selling some face?

"Tang family? Tang Ruishan? Ha ha ha

Zhu Ning laughed three times, and then said in a condensed voice: "Qin Yinglong, you are really a loser. Besides moving out of these people, what else would you do? I'm not afraid to tell you that even if Tang Ruishan is on the spot, I will kill you! The Revenge of killing my father

Then he looked at Chen Feng. He said that to Qin Yinglong, but he was still afraid of the Tang family.

After all, the Tang family had been a big family for a hundred years in Yanjing when he was young.

Of course, since he is not afraid of revenge, it is difficult for him to find revenge?

He's gone for it. There's nothing to be afraid of.

"Boy, I advise you not to put one foot in, or even if you are a friend of the Tang family, I will not be soft hearted either!"

Chen Feng shook his head slightly, took two steps again, a few meters away from Zhu Ning, and said, "you are just entering the realm of refining God and opposing emptiness. When you reach the state of refining emptiness and combining Tao, you may be qualified to say that sentence just now."

Zhu Ning was furious: "things that don't know how to live or die."

Ordinary internal strength masters have the realm of refining spirit and counteracting emptiness, which is already considered to be very powerful. As for the combination of practice and practice, it is not easy to achieve.

In more than ten years, he has reached this level from a novice, and he is already a wizard of martial arts. Isn't this boy exaggerating and belittling his own meaning when he says this?

"Very good. It seems that you are also a boxer. You even know how to practice Xu He Dao. However, I have changed my mind now. I want to cut off your hands and feet and seal your mouth. You are still not a big mouth to enter the arena!"

When Zhu Ning said this, he was full of killing intention, and then he immediately put Qin Yinglong on the wall.


Qin Yinglong felt his back bones were broken, and he almost vomited blood.

"Qin Yinglong, don't want to run away. You can't escape from my palm for a kilometer. I'll take your dog's life again later!"

Immediately, Zhu Ning gazed at Chen Feng and said with a grim smile: "newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Boy, I will let you know the consequences of no cover up."


Zhu Ning's bone sends out a kind of clear and crisp sound, it seems that the internal force is exerting force at every stage.

Yuan Anhai's face changed and he sighed in his heart. He had already warned the boy not to come, but he didn't expect that the boy was so bold that he came out to die by himself?

Crazy, is to cost, otherwise, you will not know the sky.


Zhu Ning a dull hum, one hand into a claw, the speed, the whole person rushed out, such as the eagle's dive potential, linglie ten thousand. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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