Zhu Ning's claws are very sharp, and they are pinched towards Chen Feng's neck directly.

Chen Feng's face is indifferent, but he moves his hand and becomes a knife with one hand. Before the other party's grasp is not reached, he directly cuts it on Zhu Ning's wrist.


Zhu Ning's pupils shrank. He felt that the bone of his wrist was broken. His momentum was immediately broken. Because of the great diving force, Zhu Ning almost fell to the ground.

"Pedaling, pedaling, pedaling!"

However, his skill was also behind him, and he stepped back five steps directly, which made him more frightened than ever.

The whole floor of people, the original sigh of an instant to a kind of gaping.

Yuan Anhai, in particular, is unbelievable.

What a quick reaction!

Just now Zhu Ning's grasp, strength, speed and killing power are all contained in it.

However, Chen Feng's hand knife is more skillful.

It seems to be out of a hurry, but it is cut to the point, broke the momentum of the other side, it is simply four or two dial a thousand pounds.

"How could This kid Is it even the practice of refining God and opposing emptiness? "

Yuan Anhai felt his face burning.

That hand just now is definitely better than myself.

I also ridiculed the boy not to come to see the excitement, but I didn't expect that the strength was even better than myself!

Most importantly, how old is this kid?

Zhu Ning twisted his wrist, and his killing intention flashed through his eyes. I'm afraid that no one here is more shocked than him.

Because of his wrist, he can hardly use the inner strength at this time.

"This boy, he's hiding himself! The same realm as me

"I didn't expect that this man is so young and has the same skills as me, but his moves are better than mine."

Chen Feng is light way: "sell me a face, this matter is so calculate, how?"

Qin Yinglong was overjoyed to see the situation, but he saw treasure this time! I didn't expect that the boy who bought insurance was so powerful!

"Brother Chen, don't let him go. If this man runs away, he will come after me in the future." Qin Yinglong called.

Chen Feng didn't speak. He left a line of work. He and Zhu Ning didn't hate each other. He didn't want to see someone die. On the other hand, he wanted to have a fight.

"Hum! Sell face for you? I haven't tried my best. You think you're going to win! "

Zhu Ning is not reconciled after all. If he can't kill Qin Yinglong this time, he won't have a chance next time.

"Watch the move

His hand was hurt, but he still had Kung Fu under his feet.

Zhu Ning quickly rushed to see, like a tiger, and then jumped high, legs flying out of the air.

"Sky star 18 legs!"

Zhu Ning is really a powerful master. His legs are flying and kicking out more than a dozen shadows. The people who can make such movements in the air are also a few of them.

"How fierce! Zhu Ning is the next move Yuan Anhai exclaimed.

Chen Feng praised Zhu Ning's power in his heart, but he didn't panic.

Yes, his realm is the same as Zhu Ning, but don't forget that Chen Feng has Tianyan assistance. Then his inner strength is not all from Neijia boxing, but also from Taoist cultivation.

The difference between the two is that the internal strength and spiritual power of Neijia boxing are subordinate to the Qi cultivated by Taoism.

Therefore, Chen Feng's inner strength is of course much deeper than that of the same level. Even in the face of boxers of the same level, he has absolute advantages in terms of overall strength.

"Bang bang bang!"

Chen Feng's one hand carries behind him, and the other hand uses lightning to move the fence. This is a kind of Tai Chi push hand, which is mainly to avoid hurting people.

Yuan Anhai's pupils shrank and exclaimed, "there are few people in Yanjing who can push hands so easily."

Eighteen legs, soon all are blocked by Chen Feng to Ge, Zhu Ning's face changed greatly, he finally realized that he was hit by steel plate this time.

"Boy, you are so good that you can meet mountains and rivers!"


Zhu Ning a landing, the whole person lightning is toward the window, he wants to jump out of the window!

This is the second floor. For a boxer, jumping is not a big problem. Besides, it is the fastest way to escape.

"Come and go when you say so? Did you ask me. "

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