Chen Feng's heart is also sneer, he does not have any evil feeling to this Zhu Ning, but the other side said to come, said to leave, when he is what?

Run if you can't win? Do mountains and rivers meet?

Chen Feng is also a little angry. Are you going? I won't let you go.

Of course, Zhu Ning wants to run away. Chen Feng's skill is too terrible. His actions are so fast. No matter in terms of speed and strength, I don't know how many times he has practiced and how many experts he has fought.

With his confidence in the same realm, these so-called boxers in Yanjing can't be his opponents at all.

But how old is this kid? And return oneself the same realm, but oneself do not even have the strength to fight back, this has no reason at all!

His star eighteen retreat, simple on the block, then he knew in his heart, he absolutely can't defeat him under the boy.

"No way. The boy has such a deep inner strength. Is the master behind him more powerful than I imagined?"

Zhu Ning's heart is extremely anxious. The experts in Yanjing are higher than he imagined.

"Master said that I had reached the realm of refining spirit and opposing emptiness at the age of 35. My talent was already very high, but compared with this boy, I was nothing."

Zhu Ning's speed is fast, but Chen Feng's speed is faster. He steps out and directly catches up with him. One palm is slapped on Zhu Ning's back. The latter is hit by a force of impact, which directly hits the wall, and then the whole person is dizzy in the past.

Yuan Anhai in the side of the heart again surprised, this palm power is too terrible, even if it is tiger and leopard, it is enough to fight?

What's more, Zhu Ning's strength is the realm of refining spirit and anti emptiness! What will be the result of this slap?

Yuan Anhai was shocked. This boy is only 18 years old at most, but he just went to university at this age?

Which martial arts master is Yanjing who has cultivated such talents?

If this is said, it will definitely shock the boxer world and a large number of people in the martial arts field.

Zhu Ning was shocked in the past, in fact, if Chen Feng really use all his strength, Zhu Ning's internal organs will certainly be seriously injured.

Qin Yinglong laughed: "ha ha! Zhu Ning, you also have today

After that, he stepped on Zhu Ning's body for a few feet. Chen Feng said, "Qin Yinglong, enough is enough. He just fainted. If he pretends to be dead, you will die."

Qin Yinglong just wanted to step on the foot, suddenly it is fixed, immediately is back a few steps.

"Chen Brother Chen, that Why not kill him? It's a disaster to keep such people! " Qin Yinglong said in fear that he was far away from Zhu Ning.

Chen Feng shook his head and said: "to be a man, you should stay on the front line. I'll see you in the future. This person's inner strength is not simple. If you want to kill him, you have to waste some Kung Fu, and you can hurt him at most."

"So now he..."

Chen Feng rolled his eyes and said, "didn't you say that? He was stunned. Don't pay attention to beating him. Go and lock him up. "

"Ah?" Qin Yinglong was stunned and said, "do you want to close it? Stay for the Spring Festival

Chen Feng really wanted to kick Qin Yinglong to fly, and said: "this man is too angry. Let him calm down for a few days. Then I will train him."

"You come?"

"Or will you come?" Chen Feng shook his head.

"Yes, yes, brother Chen. No, master Chen is right."

Qin Yinglong is a big man, but in the face of Chen Feng, he feels that he doesn't need any dignity.

After that, I will have a big supporter!


Yuan Anhai rubbed his hands, a little embarrassed, and said, "master Chen..."

In fact, he still felt uncomfortable when he said master Chen.

"Master yuan has something to say."

"I don't know who you learned from?"

Chen Feng thought for a moment and said honestly, "my master, his old man is far away. I haven't seen him. I can only talk to him."

Yuan Anhai on the spot on the ground, the whole person petrified, this NIMA?

No? Can only talk? Guidance on the phone?

Is this kid a monster? Or do you mean to fool yourself? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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