Zhu Ning was tied up, Chen Feng looked at it, as if some are not satisfied.

"Brother Chen, what's the matter?"

"I'm afraid one hemp rope won't tie him. Add another."

Qin Yinglong's younger brothers are stunned here. This kind of hemp rope can even tie a tiger?

After thinking about Zhu Ning's situation just now, they found another hemp rope to tie Zhu Ning.

People are ready to leave. Downstairs, Qin Yinglong said with a smile, "brother Chen, don't worry. I'll give you five times as much as master yuan."

Yuan Anhai has not gone far, but his face trembled after hearing it. Five times, it is 50 million.

Fifty million is not much money for these Yanjing black-and-white all-in-one.

In addition, don't say 50 million, even if it is 100 million, Qin Yinglong will not be distressed, 50 million for a small life ah! Even if he lost his fortune, he would agree!

In addition, the 50 million yuan is not in vain. By the way, you can buy back a favor. Of course, it is worth it.

Chen Feng did not pretend to accept the check.

At the beginning, although he said that he was coming to study, he did come to learn. Who knows that Zhu Ning is so powerful that he has to make a move.

After that, since Qin Yinglong was willing to give it, how could he refuse it?

When Qin Yinglong's people are ready to put Zhu Ning into the car, Zhu Ning also wakes up. He struggles and grabs his two people and is thrown away.

Qin Yinglong was shocked. His people called out and all of them rushed up. Several people suppressed Zhu Ning.

Qin Yinglong was still in fear. Zhu Ning was put up and said coldly, "Qin Yinglong, you are so fierce. I fell in your hands today. I will accept my life, but if you give me a chance, I promise to kill you!"

Chen Feng slightly shakes his head, way: "the fierce spirit is too heavy, the cultivation is limited."

"Young genius, it is estimated that the weather will change in Yanjing..." Yuan Anhai was amazed.


After going back, Chen Feng went to the library, had lunch in the dining hall, and then went back to the dormitory to have a rest in the afternoon.

When Chen Feng got ready to go out at noon, Yin Jiazhi rolled his eyes and said, "please, can you not be so boring and read every day, won't it be boring?"

Chen Feng smile, with a kind of never tired language way: "the book has a gold house, don't you know? Is it not boring to watch small movies every night like you? "

Yin Jiazhi looked a little frightened and said, "how do you know?"

Then he knew he had made a slip of the tongue and turned red.

Little boy!

Why don't I know?

Although Chen Feng sleeps at night, his sense of touch is very sensitive, just like a tiger and a leopard, he is always alert to the surroundings and can react to any movement or movement at the first time.

Moreover, Chen Feng couldn't stand the sound that made people's blood spurt

"You know, little roll can make you happy and big roll hurt you." Chen Feng advised.

"Cut," Yin Jiazhi pushed his glasses and said, "I'm very strong. You'd better take care of yourself. When you go to college, you should pick up girls and play. Oh, yes, let's go to the gym with me."

Then he pulled Chen Feng and left. Chen Feng frowned and said, "what are you going to do in the gym? I'm going to the library. "

"It's OK to go to the library every day, but a lot of beautiful women are together. It's not every day. There are basketball games in the gymnasium, and a lot of beautiful women are present."

Chen Feng pushed Yin Jiazhi's hand aside and said, "no, I'm not interested in basketball games."

"No, it's the basketball cup of national universities recently. Today it's Yanjing University versus Yanying."

"Yan Ying? Yanjing film academy? "

"Yes, ha ha, this school is famous for its handsome boys and beauties. This time we can feast our eyes on it. This time we are the main venue. Some of Yanying's school beauties have also come. How can we go without going?"

Chen Feng's heart moved, suddenly thought of that group of men and women, he thought, but was Yin Jiazhi to pull away.

"Let's go. It's good to accompany me and cultivate the basic conditions of the dormitory..."

"Go away!"

In this way, Chen Feng was pulled to the indoor gymnasium.

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