The two began to fight.

Chen Feng was attracted by his fast fist and foot movements and fierce attack style.

Although the world's fighting sports are similar, but Chen Feng still saw the wonderful place of this kind of fighting skill, which is basically three words, fast, accurate and fierce.

It is not like Taiji in Neijia boxing. It uses static braking and softness to overcome rigidity.

It's not like the eight trigrams who use the location of the five elements and eight trigrams to beat their opponents by swimming around.

Of course, it's not like Thai boxing, which is famous for its speed and strength.

What's more, the fighting between Zheng Hua and Wang Yu is very large in both posture and attack range. The magnificent moves are not empty. This may be the highlight of fighting skills.

But after all, it is a kind of fighting sport in the Southern Dynasties. It is similar to Taekwondo in many aspects. It can be said that fighting skills are also derived from Taekwondo, which is specialized in actual combat.

After several rounds, Wang yulingkong was kicked and the whole person flew several meters.


The whole venue was cheering.

Fortunately, the field on the stage is made of some cork, and it will not hurt if you fall on the board.

"Zheng Hua, you are still the best." Wang Yu got up and gave Zheng Hua a thumbs up.

"Wow! It's so handsome. Zheng Hua deserves to be my God. "

"I'm sure. I heard that the president of Taekwondo club came here to play, but they were all tied with Zheng Hua. With Zheng Hua's strength, they can open a school to teach."

Many freshmen are eager to have a try and burst into applause. As for those girls who are crazy about flowers, of course, they would like to see them off.

Jia Shanshan's eyes are bright, and her look is more flying.

Zheng Hua went over and held out a hand. Wang Yu took it and pulled the latter up.

Zheng Hua slightly shakes his head, frown a way: "recently practice too little, you have to step up training, next time I come to training, you can't slip away."

Wang Yu said with a smile: "I've put my time on basketball recently. I'm so tired that I have time to rest."

"Zheng Hua, your level, I think the teacher will be jealous." Wang Yu finished, looked at the coach beside him and said half jokingly.

The coach also came over, glared at Wang Yu, and then said with a smile to Zheng Hua: "Zheng Hua, it seems that before you are a junior, you can catch up with me, but the position of the president is yours."

Both of them are well-known figures in the school, especially Zheng Hua. They are also the trump card main force of their fighting technology society. Of course, their relationship is very good.

Zheng Hua's heart is happy, he showed a kind of light smile, modest way: "teacher praised, I have many aspects to learn from you."

This kind of modest attitude is like learning bully, school grass, sports and fighting. How can it not be liked?

The following female students, more infatuated and infatuated.

"Cut, there's nothing to be proud of." Yin Jiazhi curled his lips, a little disapproved.

Jia Shanshan also noticed him and said coldly, "you are so powerful, why don't you go up and have a competition?"

"Er..." Yin Jiazhi blushed, as if afraid to look at Jia Shanshan.

"Your goddess seems to know you?" Chen Feng asked in a low voice.

Yin Jiazhi seemed to dodge and said in a low voice: "I came here in senior three to participate in the national mathematics competition. At that time, I ran to Yan Ying, and then..."

Chen Feng took the message for him and said with a smile, "then you are so bold that you go to tease people's home, don't you?"

"Don't be so ugly. Brother, I'm also very handsome. She was still a freshman at that time! Let's go. "

Yin Jiazhi's appearance of having a lustrous heart but no color gall really makes Chen Feng a little angry and funny.

However, since he had already seen the fighting sport of fighting skills, he understood it, and there was no need to continue to stay.

At this time, Zheng Hua and Wang Yu on the stage noticed here.

"Shanshan? You're here. What's the matter Zheng Hua asked.

With a smile on her face, Jia Shanshan said, "no, I just met a younger martial brother."

"Classmate, it's a coincidence that you are here. Are you going to come to our fighting club? Why don't you come up and play? "

A banter came down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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